
I hope not, because people whining about accents should never be catered to. Annoying

It’s not like they gave her a load of positive character traits either. Her brothers are not just handsome, tall and incredibly fit, they’re both rich, confident and successful in their careers. Kate had several seasons seemingly without work and is needy, angry and prone to jealousy. The writers could have at least

Monica’s dreary, over-this-shit description of a decanter was a highlight for me.

by the time he delivers his lengthy monologue to Mercer about Stephanie, the radio, and the reason he convinced his friends to accompany him on this shot-in-the-dark trip, it felt awfully over the top.

I agree—and of course the way he hit on his subordinate was harasment but honestly, after what and how Mark asked him I didn’t think his response (to Mark) was really all that inappropriate...

Mare of Easttown was the best season of True Detective. I mean that as no offense to either show, especially not Mare. It was intimate and epic. It made you question the protagonist and the system they work within. And in the end, justice being done is even messier than the crime itself.

Not to keep repeating myself, but this season’s depiction of the pandemic has been so strange.

It’s curious that everyone seems to have read that scene differently. Here’s my take (and it’s not entirely dissimilar to EricMontreal’s analysis): Zabel is a young detective who happened to solve a big case by working the case (and himself) to death. He watches Mare at work and he feels unworthy of the praise he

Did anyone else see Randall’s monologue outside the DQ (directed to Annie, but really for Beth) as manipulative? I felt like he was trying to guilt trip Beth to provide him with more biologically related family members to make up for the shortage in his childhood due to his adoption. I felt like Beth was trying to have

I hate lazy storytelling like that.  They could at least mention a phone call or something?  (But instead it feels like they just hope audiences forgot that detail.)  But thanks for the confirmation--a friend of mine didn’t remember any reference, so I was starting to doubt myself ;)

I had to create an account just to comment on this episode. I keep watching but I’m starting to think they should have quit long ago. This story was so unbelievable on so many levels but it’s dawning on me now why did Randall not look for his mother’s family? He hired a PI to find William. The way Randall is, would he

I can’t speak to the details of Randall’s story, but at some point doesn’t a 40-year-old put this intense soul searching to bed? It’s one thing to want the answers and to feel a connection to your heritage, but it’s gotten to the point where I imagine lots of viewers are thinking, “I only had a mom, and this guy had

Oh, absolutely.  But I don’t think a commitment to reality is the driving factor of this dumb show.

[I have not read the book and am only talking about the show] I agree with you given the ending that it WAS a show about psychopathy. But the “whodunit” tangents that they went off on distracted from that (IMHO). Perhaps it would have been a stronger show if they had done away with those tangents and focused on the

My grip about the New York in this show. The utter lack of SCAFFOLDINGS!

very disappointed that (1) we didn’t find out who else Jonathan had an affair with—I was betting the farm it was Grace’s blond attorney friend; (2) Grace’s different colored coats didn’t apparently have any significance other than an off-hand reminder that she’s wealthy; and (3) apparently they only kept Annaleigh

normally I would agree but I liked the overarching points this movie made about (1) the destructiveness of narcissists and how persuasive they can be (especially important in the age of Trump) and (2) in line with Malcolm Gladwell’s recent book, how easy it can be to ignore the reality that’s smacking you in the

hey WTF happened to Edgar Ramirez? I guess the writers held it against him for perjuring himself in the last show and just let him stand there in the courtroom for no apparent reason in the finale? What a waste of a good actor, and again, I just don’t know what purpose he served other than to drop provocative bits of

The portrayal of just the everyday life in the 80's USSR in Chernobyl is about 1000 times better though. I love The Americans to bits, and the show looks amazing overall, but every time they go for a USSR flashback, I’m like “ugh no, please do some homework”. Chernobyl on the other hand sometimes looks more authentic

The things is, self-sacrifice is not rare, regardless of nation. Look at any disaster, man-made or otherwise. There are countless tales throughout history of individuals willingly, voluntarily, going into places they knew they would almost certainly die in an attempt to save the lives of others. This is a human trait,