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    I totally agree with you on that!
    For me, it doesn't matter, as I understand Russian, but the audience of this show - 99% do not I would presume.
    I really don't know why they cannot make subtitles better. They are ok, they give you a gist, but…
    In other TV shows, I observed, for example, a character speaking French for

    I really appreciate your confidence in my abilities! :)

    I don't see this situation so drastically.
    I think that P&E REALLY LOVE their kids, and since Paige is the one in on the secret, it's about her.
    Liz is tying herself into knots to be a good parent and love Paige as her daughter and at the same time trying to prepare her for the future.
    I don't think it is much about

    oh I am not for KGB
    It is (and it IS now, named FSB) one of the worst enemies of humanity out there with ISIS and such.
    I was saying people who worked then for KGB (Phil, Liz) -
    believed in these same values, like why they wanted to get the super-crop to help with food shortages.
    Overall, the USSR, KGB - evil, evil, evil.

    Do you think that "soviet/communist" ideology does not have any values comparable to "good moral values" of a religion?
    It is not so cut and dry.
    I grew up soviet/socialist/communist indoctrinated, and the values I inherited from that experience, and the values that define me as a person, are, incidentally, same as

    Great sum up!
    Liz - can she juggle a challenging career and raising two children to meet everybody's standards satisfactorily?
    Vote here:

    It is a million shades of gray (grey?)

    Yes, exactly what I said earlier - 14-year old's values and beliefs are not set in stone, they evolve as the teenager matures and becomes more aware of what life is, not black and white but a thousand shades of gray (grey?) which one is American variant? always mix them up :))

    Any state's ideology is nationalistic. That is why nations fight for independence, for their people to live in peace in their country and exercise their right to live and worship the way they choose and celebrate their values (not to be suppressed and subjugated).
    Sometimes it goes over the top, when extremists come to

    Before I read any further (you guys gotta hold a seminar or smth! vigorous debate indeed :)

    "I want details" :)

    Well, it is not really that simple.
    Of course, he is an apparatchik, and by that virtue, he has access to resources, and he might not consider that corruption but ordinary people do not have access to special food orders, let's say, or having a land line installed in your apartment next day you move in, while simple

    OMG, totally agree!!!
    I listen to the Russian dialog, obviously, 'cause it's the more authentic, and I understand it, but I also glance at the subtitles, and OMG, they are quite inadequate oftentimes.
    I thought it was just me, but now that you confirm that also - I have the same question.
    Sometimes, a Russian-speaking

    :) yes I guess that
    whatever Evgeniya said :)

    I know.
    I am talking about when she first found religion - at 14 IIRC.

    In that case, we cannot make an educated guess regarding Tuan's being totally cold inside or having a redeeming quality of some kind.
    Everybody uses his trip to see his ailing foster brother as a sign of him being just a confused teenager, and not a cold-blooded spy/killer.
    Oh I don't know.

    I might be wrong, but has it been established that the story was true? I don't recall them actually checking it out. Liz just said she believed him and they just dropped it?
    Taking into account how this is a spy show and everyone is playing everyone, unless we get hard evidence it's true, can we possibly consider that

    There is a lot of pressure to be a "good" parent, numerous books have been published on this in the recent years: what to say to kids, what not to say to kids, how to say it to kids, be assertive, not be assertive, be tough, be nice, etc etc etc
    Pretty much if a kid grows up not exactly an upstanding citizen, parents

    Yeah, he does seem to be focused either on his work, or quietly brooding.
    And he does not seem to be interested in a relationship with a young Muscovite lady, even though in DC he was quite a "sex man" :) Ok, he recoiled at his dad's attempt at The Bachelor, but he does not seem to seek out his own connections…
    I wonder…

    Well, I think we have seen the beginnings of an epic mess at the end of last episode for sure.
    One way or the other, I think the cat will be out of the bag for all involved.