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    Yes, ok. But let's say Tuan and fam barge in, that might not necessarily prove Tuan knew with "great surety" :)
    Tuan can say that he talked to Pasha at school, and Pasha was really sad, more than usual, and then Tuan told him he would call later in the evening, and when Tuan called, there was no answer, and Tuan knew

    Dear 3hares, I could not have put it better. That is how I see it as well.
    I am curious whether our fellow commenters will challenge your understanding of the word "manipulate" or it only applies to non-native speakers :)
    I think that P & E love their children very much. And I do not think love is involved in any

    Yes, thank you, I know that.
    I was referring to the time when she first found religion initially, hasn't it been about 2 years or so in the show's time?
    So that is why I said 14. And that is why in the next 2 or so years, as Paige is growing up, she might be reconsidering some things in life…

    Well, there is something there, I think. Tuan has been dropping these hints here and there: you guys should be here more often, etc. Then he asked if Liz had kids and how it was for her. I wonder why he asked that. IDK, something about him…

    that they are war criminals and should answer for their crimes?

    You might have have had some pretty dramatic and dark experiences with teens?
    I hope it all worked out well :))

    I also had a thought (might be totally wrong, just IMO), that Tuan deep inside is jealous of how Brad and Dee (?) are so concerned and protective about Pasha, and they have their real kids too! He feels cheated, he wants to be their real son, so getting Pasha out of the way and advancing the operation would be two

    I think so too, I think there was something pointing out to the fact that he was actually older than high school age..
    But so many commenters here, as per usual, argue that he is a child and she is as child…
    I don't consider 16-year olds children in terms of telling right from wrong, but majority wins, doesn't it.

    "I don't think you understand either what a 'straw man argument' or even the word 'manipulate' means"

    They do have children, so that kind of thing might have hit too close to home, but yeah, that was pretty bad shit coming out of Tuan's mouth…
    I am a cynical, disillusioned person, and I was shocked, shocked!! It doesn't happen often to me when I watch TV shows.

    Quite possibly, and I could go ether way with you or the above commenter.

    following your logic, the first one to manipulate as an authority figure was actually Pastor Tim…
    and also, the parents didn't "manipulate" in a way to do harm, that has such negative connotation.
    They believe in a cause (much less now, but let's begin in the beginning) and they were still very reluctant to bring Paige

    How would they know thou? What happens in the US, stays in the US, if Morozovs are smart.
    But I fear Pasha will not live to find out :(


    So you are saying that once a 14-year old decides what their values are, they are set in stone for life, and they cannot evolve and change while a person matures and understands more about themselves and people and society?

    Did I say otherwise?

    Two things.

    "And unless you've literally been in that position, you can't say you wouldn't compromise yourself to survive either"
    where in my posts did I ever say it?
    I might have done the same as Anna, and i would be calling me a war criminal.
    It is my opinion, and we clearly differ.
    As I quoted before:
    "[U]nder conditions of terror

    I agree with above. They are clearly fishing, and Oleg is too smart to give them any clues, he was totally cool during questioning and gave smart answers.
    The trouble is KGB is like a pit-bull, I forsee more trouble for Oleg ahead. They don't let go until the prey is suffocated to death…
    We will see if the father's

    Ok, I will allow it, :)