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    This just devastated me, I have not been shaken by anything in this show so far THIS MUCH. And P & E are terrified by this development as well. It is too late, I am afraid. But driving a kid deliberately to suicide is just unthinkable. P & E didn't sign off on that! I am in shock after the final scene and "next week

    Isn't that how any adult would talk to a child and then the child's parents? I know what you are saying, but I think PT recognizes a difference between a fragile Paige, still coming to grips with her predicament, and her hard-core spy parents.
    Otherwise, one could say he is being a skilled manipulator..

    I have no idea.
    There are pop titles like this one: "The Name Book: Over 10,000 Names - Their Meanings, Origins, and Spiritual Significance" by Dorothy Astoria that might or might not touch upon this subject.

    Your point being? What would Elizabeth know about Holodomor? that there was a drought and crops failed and there was famine due to natural causes? That was the official party line that our fellow Pulitzer prize winner Walter Duranty happily reported in the NYT.
    My point was that sadly, we don't have a Reagan any more,

    Totally. I think that this is why we (civilized society) even have this concept of war crimes being the worst of the worst, when everything human is being tested in us, and this is why as a society we have this understanding that people involved in such conduct have to be held to a highest level of scrutiny.

    I am not saying that those people were not guilty.
    The Soviets went after someone like her, it all is actually based on a true story of Antonina Makarova.
    In reality all these collaborators faced/should face war crimes trials, including Natalie who should have been extradited for trial in the USSR.
    But it is a TV show.

    that would be just as bad.
    the excuses on Natalie's behalf just don't end, but I am of a different opinion.
    She consciously chose to execute and continue to do so on Nazi orders and being 16 she was old enough to understand what she was doing. Does that make it clearer for you what I meant 16 is no child.
    Would you say

    well, then, we are in agreement here - except Nazis, and that covers Nats.
    They don't have to kill themselves, what nonsense, they choose to not follow criminal orders if they are such, and face whatever consequences that entails.

    so being Soviet is not a part of their overall character? ok

    Wow, one can write a dissertation on baby name psychology!
    Thanks for going an extra mile! Fun facts all!

    Zhuravli! It is sad really, it is very very sad for me personally, that russians created such art, such great music and songs about fallen soldiers and yet
    They keep sending their boys to kill our boys, young men who defend their independent country and get killed NOW for nothing other than regional domination …

    with you there, but I assume Natalie is Russian actually and simply cowardly saving her skin by collaborating. about her having a Ukie last name - I commented above

    see my rant above - i have no excuse for this kind of thing

    ok I have to step in and comment here when I restrained myself otherwise.
    it infuriates me that even this show, created in the US, perpetuates the same f***ing bias. Why did Natalie's name had to be "Ukrainian"??? She was Russian!!! Russian!!! make her Anna Pavlova, or Anna Pertova, or whatever…
    Prokopchuck is such a

    It is important to the characters of the show because THEY ARE Soviets!
    This is the problem with many viewers who disassociate P&E from "soviets" - well, they are Soviets - as Liz said "my eto oni" - us is them.

    I don't feel bad for her and she deserved to die, and BTW, the death of her innocent husband is also ON HER. she lived a lie, she dragged him into it, and he did not know a thing, and thought she was wonderful.
    Moral of the story - do not live a lie, it will catch up to you!!!

    why weren't you available as a defense lawyer at Nuremberg trials? so many nice people would have gotten off scot free.
    Also, justifying a crime but pointing at some other crime is not acceptable in any court of law of a democracy, no?

    no, she mowed down hundreds with a machine gun that she could have pointed at her rapists and yes she would have died and never would get to live in a nice house in America with an adoring husband!
    so see people, she had to execute her fellow russian pows to get to live American dream!!! who does't get that??
    mmm war


    The benefit to the USSR is giving closure to the living relatives of those Natalie had executed on Nazi orders.
    Nazi collaboration was such a serious crime for the Soviets that any person punished for that went to a big plus column.