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    Ok fair enough but given the circumstances, can you blame "uneducated masses"??? Their sisters, mothers, wives, and daughters (Natalie, e. g. ) were exposed to unimaginable torture, rapes, and any other evil acts imaginable by the occupying Nazi army.
    You would feel any restraint if you were one of them?
    So many


    Just send her to Israel, justice done and done, they have no qualms about dragging 90-year old grandpas on their death bed to stand trial if they sniff war crimes, and that case had a lot of questions of mistaken identity, and yet..

    Right! yes, he might have chosen to be a guard to save his family, and this is how little Phil (Misha) survived. Because dad could bring some moldy bread home and keep him alive. So Phil knows how many shades of grey there are in this.
    But - his dad did not collaborate with Nazis! That is a deal breaker and a big no

    Actually, she was. Please don't cherry pick and get the whole story. She mowed down hundreds with a machine gun. She could have turned that machine gun on the Nazis, but she chose to save her life and execute her fellow Russian soldiers who DEFENDED her from Nazi invasion.

    This! And no joke - these are actual real headlines in Pravda and Izvestia and such. I can read Russian so it is pretty embarrassing: no need for hackers or spies any more, we get American secrets for free from loose lips of our bitch in the WH. sad!

    totally agree. ha ha I am just always peeved by names like Meghyn and such…
    I guess we are free to name our kids whatever we want and that's a good thing :)
    When my mom was born, and my grandma left her in the care of her Polish mother (my great grandma), Anastasia, she went to church to obtain a birth certificate. It

    seemed like you did from your comments, but ok

    I told you , go watch "Into the Badlands" :)

    Problem is, the speech will be ignored or contradicted by next morning crazy tweets

    In my case the tally is one (me), even my cat defiantly leaves and goes to sleep in the bedroom.
    Awesome show, I do not get more people are not watching!

    Did they? Who is in charge now? Putin's bitch in WH. Thought will never live to see something like this. sad!

    Nazi war criminals, in my opinion.

    Makes total sense! Didn't think of that.

    Just being a good person and volunteering at a soup kitchen is not making amends. I try to live as a good person and do good, and I am not making amends. It is how every decent human should live.

    ha ha ha ha ha thanks you made me laugh so hard (about mom not knowing how to spell Nancy)

    A fellow here commented that no one who simply followed orders could be considered a war criminal. not my opinion.

    The husband totally innocent, civilian casualty.
    Ideally, Natalie had to be extradited to the USSR to stand war crimes trial, but it is a TV show.

    yeah, I know. if making amends means being a wonderful wife to a doctor husband, some amends

    Yes, that is true. Ideally, they should have extradited her to the USSR to face trial. But it is a TV show.