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    Did she say мы though? I thought she said "это они" only but I might be wrong, it was all so fast. In any case, I thought she pronounced "это они" almost ok.

    she did say "eto oni" in tonight's (may 16) ep almost perfectly. But I agree, the soft "T" is not her thing

    Isn't "religious" ceremony "more" legal than a government stamp of approval? an actual priest married them in a proper ceremony.
    I am just being a devil's advocate because, funny, I married my American husband not in a church but at a town hall in Kew Gardens, Queens, NY, not him or me being religious at all, then

    haves and have nots? in USSR? what Oleg fights against at work actually displayed at his family dinner table?

    who would "test" and "hope for the best" when it comes to their own real baby???

    why would you try to find logic in religion?
    no offense to anyone!

    well said!

    mmmmmm, no

    Wasn't she "acting" head until someone permanent was going to be appointed? I think that's what she said earlier. Hope she was made permanent. Wait, why would I care about a Soviet spy? :)

    thanks for saying that! I do find myself more reserved, but I have softened up a bit over the years, I smile more and ask people how they are even though I don't know them at all. That part I find weird. but go with the flow ;)

    true, but she willingly went with it, with her mother's blessing, she made a choice (she was given a choice, although one might argue it wasn't much of a choice but still, she knew beforehand what she was getting herself into) whereas Paige, well, she was just born into it, she wasn't given even a shitty disguise of a

    You know, yes, I do. I have had a few criticisms here and there, but overall - yes.
    It is a very accurate depiction of the soviet mindset for sure, very. Folks here, many, just don't get it. And it's fine, it's understandable, but yes, the Americans is so accurate portraying the ideology/mindset for sure, yes.
    Like how

    you know, being an ex-soviet myself, I did not have that sort of reaction… that is so mmm telling about how I have been damaged by that system for life, that is a scary thought

    I said same - Paige's predicament is different, but PT doesn't see it that way

    Russians (soviets) are very reserved and conservative with expressing emotion, considering, you know, the history of keeping your feelings to yourself

    in a way, but her mother was real to her, not hiding behind a false identity, and nationality also for that matter. Liz was born and bred Soviet Russian commie, she just received her mother's blessing to go into this line of work, so to speak.
    so it's only approximately what was done to Paige. Oh, daughter, you are

    It has been established a long time ago - second generation / native generation spies are to work in influential government positions, possibly involving having access to classified sensitive info and just quietly passing it to the Center (Centre as the USSR would spell it, yes we studied British English back then).

    all I have to say to that is the sooner the victim is removed /gets away from the abuser, the better for a long-term recovery… That's generally speaking.
    I am not equating Paige's situation to that, in any way, they are her parents, they love her, and they are/were devoted to a very powerful IDEA, so, that's not the

    isn't god enough, isn't that why humans invented that concept to always feel safe and cared for no matter what?

    Just said the exact same thing! I think Paige watched in wonderment, she was fascinated by her parents skills and speed and assured actions all in silent unison..