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    You can do as you please but I really don't understand people who ask such things - it's so subjective for one, just see how many arguments exist on the merits of various seasons of AHS - oh, Coven sucked so bad - nooo, my fave!! etc
    I am of an opinion - watch and decide for yourself. For me it's either everything or

    a zillion of packets of aspirin - they opened it and showed Gregory - so that they really didn't leave the Hilltop without medical care, nice guys

    Nothing in the world makes any argument for trump's anything. trumps will come and go but globalization is here to stay. old days are not coming back. oceans do not protect us anymore from wars and population/labor redistribution. simple band-aid solution will backfire in our face.

    oh good old SAT vocabulary :)

    ever did spelling bee?

    Ukraine - me too :)

    Yes to Janis, I thought it was a nod to what Rebecca wants to accomplish, as Janis being her inspiration. Didn't notice Buffy, or don't remember. Have to re-watch.
    Was a huge fan of Buffy, was watching it back in my home country dubbed into my native language, but you could hear the English dialog sort of muffled in

    Oh, at this point it is any sort of a guessing game. It could be that he was getting Kate's cat from a tree and fell and broke his neck, whatever… this constant teasing is getting so tiring. I still do not like Miguel with Rebecca. I just don't.

    Yes I agree it would not be very subtle, but why do you think they did this? Just a coincidence? I doubt it.
    This "Pavlik Morozov" thing was an icon! I was in middle school in the 80s, for my generation whose schooling was in between soviet and post soviet era, it was still there being indoctrinated with…
    Maybe they

    never go to bed mad. stay up and fight. easier said then done

    see what I mean??? they are BOTH right, that's how difficult this is!

    yes, in one of the previous episodes, she sang at Toby's aunt's (???) nursing home or smth? something like that. He arranged the gig for her as a grand gesture of his over the top personality

    I had no idea that western and eastern Kentucky are so different! And it's (the show) set in your state! Must have been great to watch and be able to identify with many things.
    It's like The Sopranos for me :) When it was on HBO, I lived and went to school in NYC and for weekends, my boyfriend would pick me up and

    WOW great catch!! I didn't even think of that! It is so obvious!
    Pavlik Morozov was such a thing back in the USSR, oh boy! We as kids read stories in school about his heroism, New Year resolutions were made about how we wanted to grow up to be patriots like Pavlik Morozov and sacrifice even our loved ones if necessary

    ha ha exactly! All the medical doctors, FBI agents, CIA operatives, ADAs, law firm partners, rocket science PhDs, etc etc etc - 22-looking females with runway bods. Just like IRL.
    That's why so many shows are just unwatchable. it's like people over 35 don't exist. Sometimes I just SMH, - really? It would take at least

    and if I might add, a fair amount of arse-kissing and "yes-sir" flexibility on the part of the promoted party. Some power structures require/desire their sidekicks to be unquestioningly loyal and never rock the boat. That's what's disheartening. I know many might disagree, but look at the current crew at the helm of

    Hi there again. :)
    I first arrived in the US in 1998 to go to university, by chance really. Never really planned to, but almost on a dare applied to grad school here and got accepted. It wasn't much of a culture shock for me really, I was an English teacher back home so language wasn't a problem, and I also worked with

    Jack works hard, really hard to support his family, and he is a super dad to the kids. Rebecca feels - legitimately - that she was denied her dream career instead focusing on raising a family (three kids at once?she wanted none, remember?) - so, they are BOTH harboring resentments and they are both NOT wrong. it is a

    they both have axes to grind from their respective points of view - and it's sad

    Yes, that scene and one similar from a previous episode, - my thought was - wow, if you think about it - they are BOTH NOT wrong!!! they are both RIGHT from the points of view they are coming from. This is the truest reflection on a marriage. any marriage. it's sad and it is life. Does it have to be that one person