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    this. loved Justified from the moment we met

    wow, Seabreeze, Your comment puts me to shame really. (BTW, I really enjoy all your comments here and elsewhere)
    I live in Northern NJ, just 45ish min away from Manhattan, I actually can see the skyline from the park I go walking in after work on a clear day. And yet, stopped going as often as I would want to, some

    thank you!

    Yes and yes! How come isn't she in more shows? Felicity and the Americans is all I know (plus some waitress movie). is that it??

    yes, you have gotten overly female objectification about it. and oh she had a baby, must be looking like a Michelin man and yet, look at that toned bum grrr

    or her double maybe?

    Great! Now Hollywood can take notice and appreciate/employ aging females more, rite?

    ahahaha it reminds me. I was once at work a few years ago and I was assisting a client. I had to go back to our "inner" offices to retrieve some info for him, and when I got up from my desk and turned around, he said "you have a very nice derriere. if you know what I mean" (I didn't at the time, can't speak all

    yes! taught high school English grammar way back when so iirc yes, but lets not do grammar police here cause we are an inclusive board yes? people from all over Planet Earth participate so lets give them a pass as all of us. English is my third language so I beg to be excused if sound funny :)

    some good insight here - thanks!
    btw - never seen TKK in its entirety, but I am aware of its cult status and all. I know, it's unAmerican :) but at the time of its release I was a happy middle-schooler in the USSR, ahahaha - so, anyway, by the time I got my toned bum here, wasn't my cup of tea. My boyfriend refers to

    I agree to a point but whichever it is, still, it is pretty clear this is not a run of the mill greenhouse, there is definitely some "research" going on there that is not exactly legit. They did take Alexei Morozov (?) there for a consult or something. mmmm, no. Pretty unprotected for what it is portrayed to be.

    you are cute :)

    right? super secret CIA super bug lab

    Gotta love the 80's. No surveillance cameras, no guards, no nothing. no alarms. It's just hard to believe that greenhouse was so unprotected that any redneck truck could just drive right up to it and with a simple picking of a simple lock - voila!

    very good point. they did. otherwise why would mom and dad need such a technique?

    whatever makes you happy :)

    no, no stretch marks. never even heard of them then.. some people are just naturally thin, you know, genetics and all…
    Looks like Russell's that kind of body type.
    it's amazing how so many people view pregnancy like some sort of disfiguring disease or something..
    and, to answer your question, no.
    Edit: oh that's quite

    it is ridiculous to assume that a female having given birth would be fat. that's absurd. personal trainer? will power?? how about just it works different ways for different people?? i was thin as rail after "the event" and beyond.. what is with you people??

    is it possible that they are setting Stan up to be so disillusioned if smth happens to Oleg that he will be on Jenningse's side when shit hits the fan? maybe getting way ahead of myself but js

    gee - all bureaucracies ! someone just got promoted to a HUGE post at my job who is so dumb and clueless
    sorry I digress