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    Yes 1000%

    millions will vote for orange face that makes millions puke so?

    and leave his hands all covered in dry blood? ok

    in many oh so many tv shows, characters seem not to ever have to go to work or do anything to live in posh neighborhoods in huge houses with pools etc and all and never care about a thing. welfare queens? no?

    with a cool name containing a cool combination of an X, a Y, and a J, and maybe even a K

    I agree. but then - are we so demanding here as to require an Ingmar Bergman type of symbolism that only "art for art's sake" can appreciate?
    life is not so encrypted as we imagine. some details might be just as these - not so deep…
    I get your point but I don't have an issue with these not being subtle enough

    that was my take on it too. it was for sure to make a point like that.

    the fresh blood smeared on the cab was transferred from the bloody knife he grabbed while escaping. the blood on his palms though looked dried up and was from his foreplay locking hands with Andrea from her stab hand wound as i see it

    exactly. even thou many point out he was naked while allegedly stabbing her, scratches, any other marks on him, no blood but on the palms of his hands which we know where they come from

    you really didn't get it did you?
    maybe you are too young to remember the pearls that came out of that persons mouth on national tv

    thanks! you guessed correctly. Russian lit is not the thing that puts food "on my family" :0

    you do sound jealous sweetie


    so why did he leave dried up blood on the palms of his hands then? we are shown his palms repeatedly with dried up blood smears (from when he locked his hands with Andrea's after he inadvertently stabbed her through her hand during their little game). and it's not the blood from when he grabbed the alleged murder

    I am not saying Naz is innocent. He might or might not be. But the fact remains. This somehow is never questioned/addressed. all i am sayin

    Many people pointed out that he could have showered and scrubbed and such before he left since the time frame between the murder and him waking up is unclear. Well, there is a big problem in this theory for me. I don't know about you but how come if he allegedly cleaned up, there is dried blood on his hands that we

    and agree 200% on that

    and I agree on that!

    Ok fellow Russian lit major.. hold still. my point was that all these associations are such a stretch. Especially Raskolnikov, so far from Naz's mentality one can possibly imagine.

    I am really enjoying Ahmed's performance too, but - what?? how is Naz like Raskolnikov?? what?? Have you even read Crime and Punishment? this mix of characters you name-dropped has nothing to do with this show except maybe your personal associations but nothing actually factual. It boggles my mind sometimes that when