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    It will be but the fact of him not being all covered in blood must be also explained, at least questioned in the show, no?

    It's just an obvious detail/fact. One does not need to wait for a report on that. Box saw Nas, Box saw crime scene. Conclusion - why Naz is so clean? Look for answer. No? But yet Box says to the DA? or whatever powerful lady - I have no doubt he did it. Really?

    Sounds like a stretch to me but hypothetically plausible although very much not in character for this particular guy as we know him so far,

    Yes see your point but in the broader context of the show neither cops/detective/lawyer nor the audience ask this question. imo it's such a glaring hole in the credibility of the investigation. I like this show, but this is sort of a huge ? mark for me

    He showered, scrubbed - and still dried blood on his hands? Really? it's like a baby would question it. No?

    Attention to detail? Really? Blood spatter? how come he has zero blood on him except his hands (we know why) while Andrea's body is a blood bath scene?? You need more evidence he didnt?

    But was there evidence he did? where are his "bloodied" clothes? then again, if he did, how come his hands were covered in blood? so he took a shower, changed clothes, but his hands still covered in Andrea's blood? who's buying it?

    Didn't see the CJ so cannot comment on that, but in this show the blood spatter issue is kind of making me scream at the TV - why NO ONE saying hey how come Naz is not covered in blood all over??

    Isn't that like common sense? if someone stabs someone to death 1000 times and blood all over - isn't that sort of obvious that person would be covered in blood head to toe? no, I am seriously at a loss here. such great detective Box is… I am willing to suspend disbelief and all that with minor contrivances but

    Now, before the rest of the discussion begins, will it ever be pointed out either in this thread or on the show that - how on earth can Naz be the one who stabbed Andrea to death? because when Box was walking thru the scene, the blood bath her body was, blood all over the wall and all that. How come there is no blood

    great analysis, thank you
    bleak? it's life

    again I lived there so.
    and yes the report describes long lines for after oranges just as I said. and they were NOT in a special "currency" store as bananarama said

    the irony is that the USSR was pretty much unchanged thu60-70-early 80s (thats what was called "stagnation")

    look snark aside I lived there i know,
    about bananas an oranges only in currency stores not true. they were so called "deficit" and were sold to regular populace in major cities - Moscow most notably - I would imagine huge lines for them when they were "thrown out" for sale (thetas how its called, my fellow former

    it was very briefly, Russia (USSR successor) returned to a dictator worship pretty quickly, and their current czar in chief Putin was there then as a ranking KGB officer, and never went away, the behind the scenes spy state/KGB structure never went away, they were there licking their wounds ready to strike again. I

    Thank you for saying that! I was thinking the same thing. Martha's been pegged into being this frumpy spinster secretary, and we didn't see beyond that most of the time. But I began to notice way back that she is quite good looking. She has intensity and fierceness to her looks, and those big eyes, and oh those eye

    you are right but also, this show is so much more, it's not only Martha (as it felt for a while) - there are so many things running in the background (Kimmie, Lisa, and others) - it is impossible to focus on on chain link right now. and they told a broader story with a confident hand (writing). me like

    Some of them didn't see it that way even after USSR went belly up. Remember they discovered a sleeper cell of exactly such a family of spies in Montclair, NJ a few years back? (2008-ish?) With perfectly manicured American lawn, and oh so perfect hydrangeas In 2008, people!!! This show I believe is loosely based on

    It wasn't like that at all in 1983 USSR - especially Moscow where she was allegedly headed. It wasn't North Korea or anything. 1983 was still a year of quite plenty, again especially in Moscow. They even had bananas and oranges in food stores! Imagine. Quite lovely apartment buildings, excellent system of public

    right? how crazy is that? but that goes to show you how in any show done well like this, you would root for the antihero or "villain" or some sort. brilliant! i am from there, I know they are not on the right side of history, but… its complicated, so complicated, and I am so conflicted, and that shows you how great