
Very true on your last point. With my fibromyalgia, there are plenty of days that I wish I could just stay in bed and relax, but I am not rich and I have a family to support so I get up and get through my day trying to ignore any symptoms I have. I may fall asleep at 8pm because of exhaustion, but I am still living my

Yeah, this squicks me the fuck out. I had Lyme Disease. It sucked. The neck pain is no joke and oh man, on the antibiotics for it I spent basically an entire month vomiting all fucking day long- I’m afraid to go back to the dentist now. My poor teeth. Before diagnoses and treatment I also had giardia, and then

Jezebel! You of all people should not be promoting the concept of hysteria in a complex diagnosis like Lyme disease. If only you knew how dangerous this was. This is coming from someone who was told I was ‘faking it’ before a CIDP diagnosis. COME ON!