
Trump’s name has also been dragged through the mud so... by your definition he is being held accountable. Except then you say Trump’s not being held accountable, so I’m a little confused.

“But the only thing that should define whether we want him to resign or not is how effectively he can do a job that (before these incidents) he was really, really good at.”

I mean this gently - but your “personal interest [keeping someone influential from your state]” trumps women’s rights to be protected from serial harassers? (And yes leaving Franken in encourages and okays this behavior - assuming the accusations are true). And you say this after accusing someone of working from

“cease to be employed”? Maybe. Things like open mouth kissing women without their permission should actually get you fired. But also - cease to be a powerful leader and voice in our society - definitely yes.

Gently pointing out

You are missing the point. Powerful (and not so powerful) men have gotten away with this behavior for the entirety of modern history because they are never held accountable. This has the effect of diminishing, belittling and traumatizing women. It has the effect of pushing women out of their careers either through

I cannot tell you the conversation on Facebook I was having. These ridiculous men saying “I cannot believe anyone who doesn’t put their name to an accusation” going on and on about how if you accuse, you “at a minimum” have to put your name out there publically. I said “They did not choose to be the recipients of this

Because it’s like this, sometimes systems aren’t great. Like our political system. Politicians have to make a whole lot of compromises to get and maintain power. People seemed more or less okay with that for politicians that aligned with their political philosophy. Then Hillary came along, and suddenly none of these

I feel like the actual terrible thing was the naked dolls in that Famous video. It’s so weird and violating. Yet rarely discussed.

It seems like they pay a fee for dancing in the first place, which actually is okay for an independent contractor, and then have to give a percentage of the tips on top of that. That latter part seems possibly not legal, but I don’t really know.

I was also wondering about the legality of making them tip out if they are independent contractors.

Yes it’s inappropriate to ask someone at work out of the blue if they want to have sex. The gray are you are looking for would be whether it’s okay to flirt with co-workers, superiors or subordinates, or whether it’s okay to ask someone on a date.

They say they “own a small business” and then in the next post say how the company is the largest [skincare] company in the world. Interesting definition of “small business”

I think it is a parody...

So - is this supposed to be a real advice column? I always thought it was a kind of snarky fake-advice column

re: the kid’s knowledge. It could be somewhere in between, depending on their ages. They might of had some clue that it was an unkind term and used in the context of black people and thought you might have some insight.

Chidi’s presence in AND actions in the good place confused me the whole season and I figured it was just sloppy writing. They made it pretty clear that the people who ended up there had done AMAZING things and were a very tiny percent of the population. Chidi was a good person but at some point they said his whole

Trump’s only agenda is promoting Trump and getting back at his enemies. Trump is a white supremacist now b/c it’s where his supporters are, but he has no guiding ideology.

I’d love to see professional jurors - say 3 per case and the vote needs to be unanimous , or 5 per case and you need 4:1.

Usually the deaths do involve some degree of non-compliance, so I guess if you have given up on the idea that police should get better training and not protect bad cops this bill could make sense. But maybe we shouldn’t give up on that just yet?