
I saw that focus from moms of autisic children, which makes sense

Donald will be in charge of the White House Twitter account

Yea - I don’t know much about budgeting except that high turnover is expensive

It costs money to process applications, interview, and train new hires.

She was now going up against a Kayne with the Kardashian spin machine behind him.

Kim and Kayne were so in the right about the line in the song and Taylor lying, but oh that video. That video is not right.

Well lyme has lots of ailments

I think you need both - the louder voices draw attention to the problem and the calmer voice convince those on the fence.

hit the nail on the head

There are reasons for those rules. Democrats in some states want to ensure that democrats, and democrats only, pick their nominee, so the nominee represents Democratic values. They don’t want last minute registration changes because that could allow Republicans to switch last minute and “pick their opponent”

But the Bernie campaign was the one who was trying to overturn the results of the initial vote. Hillary won, and Sander and co. were using rules that some may consider “unfair” to gain more pledged delegates even though he had fewer votes. This time around he didn’t organize well enough to do that.

Perhaps it’s obvious to you - not to me. To me it seems like the campaign doesn’t mind or even likes this behavior. He keeps talking about a “revolution” and revolutions are usually pretty violent. I truly do not know what he means by that word (work within the system? tear down the system?) The American public is not

who cares? Families in ads and on TV aren’t perfect genetic replicas of each other b/c they aren’t actually related. It’s close enought

Are we acting like that? Or are people questioning some of Bernie’s misleading and/or silly attacks after his pledge to run a positive campaign? Anyway it looks like the campaigns decided to take it down a notch and refocus on the issues. It’s also just, a little ironic, because Bernie kind of freaked out after that

I hate when people act like Hillary has never been attacked before. She’s been attacked for two decades straight.

Sanders is an unknown entity to many voters and polls this far out don’t mean much. Hillary has been non-stop demonized in the press but if Sanders is the nominee expect non-stop and easy attacks on him. Hillary’s big “controversies” are pretty nit-picky but painting Bernie as a crazy socolist will be easy.

Jeanette Winters writes children’s books that deal with complex issues and I was given several when my son was born. His current favorite book is Follow The Drinking Gourd, about slaves escaping using the Underground Railroad. It has a couple soul crushing lines, about escaping the master’s hounds and the like, but

P.S. I think not believing believed can make people talk about it more, to try and “prove” it’s real

yea, it’s classier to be stoic but it’s not in everybody’s constitution. I wouldn’t be shocked that someone on The Real Housewives is annoying and attention seeking haha but that’s a different conversation than if she’s sick!

I would really like to know what research you have done to make such broad and definitive statements about the evidence surrounding chronic lyme.