
I've learned that in order to eat well and not get annoyed, it's best to take over cooking duties. No one in my family "likes" to do it anyway, and I find if I'm not busy prepping the meal, I'm stuck listening to someone drone on about a political issue they are woefully misinformed about.

OMG!!! She looks exactly like my dog Cali aka The Wind Beneath My Wings. She's Border Collie, Lab, and a smidge of Pit, which makes her the sweetest, mostly cuddly, smart dog on earth. She wasn't a rescue per se, but my friend and I got her from a family on the side of the freeway giving away free puppies because


I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's that hypocritical. She fits a very specific body type that the fashion industry just can't seem to get away from. She happened to take advantage of it, and launch her career because of it. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as the "Oh it's so awful to be pretty and

I flirt with men I want to sleep with. #sorryfeminists

I think high schoolers should definitely work at least throughout the summer, because really, what else are you doing besides watching TV, loitering and eating bad food? It was how I saved up money to go out to eat/the movies/buy unnecessary jewelry at Claires/get my hair done twice a year, and it made the summer go

I've been a loyal Benefit customer for over a decade. I didn't think they needed to resort to cheesy, mean girl attempts at a viral ad campaign. It won't stop me from buying their stuff, but it is a little odd.

I'm constantly wondering if his posts here are for the lulz.

Damn! You got to it before I could! God, I love that show.

Oh I know, that's my favorite Hollywood humblebrag. Yes, Jessica. You are just too beautiful to really succeed and be taken seriously in the most superficial industry in the world. That is the root of the problem.

Most of my guy friends are now either guys I used to date/sleep with or are gay. Is this the case the further you get from college? I kind of think if you meet a nice, normal, fun, single guy and you get along, one of you at least tries to date the other...is this incorrect? Or just me?

Sorry — being anti abortion means you are anti choice. Luckily for the anti-abortion camp, they are usually called "pro-life" in the media and political sphere, even though it's pretty clear that they are only pro-life when a fetus is involved.

I have a friend who didn't finish college list "Stanford University" as his Facebook network and on his LinkedIn because he went to a week long company sponsored workshop there once. Doesn't mean he isn't smart, but it is kind of misleading.

"The Oppression of Lulu Lemon Yoga Pants - A Case Study on Segregating All Gyms By Gender"

As someone who is 4 years out of college (graduated in '08....our economic system was toppling right before our eyes. Worst. Time. To. Graduate. Ever.) my advice is to go for jobs you know you're too good for but are sorta kinda vaguely in the industry you want to be in. Like, maybe even things that don't require a

So in. We could have a different "expert" in each "field" getting all hand wringy on a weekly basis.

Couldn't help but think of The Todd when I read this....

Agreed. I buy my eggs from these guys: http://www.barnstar.net/html/varieties.html. They're a bit more expensive, but not exorbitant. As much as I wish I could afford the $10/dozen eggs at the farmer's market, I usually can't justify it unless I'm treating myself.

Omfg, I HATE when people post pictures of themselves at the gym.

Totally. I kind of think if a woman is that worried about her man looking at porn and wants him to never do it again, isn't it symptomatic of something else? Like she doesn't really trust him all that much anyway? Otherwise it's unrealistic and kind of a frivolous thing to worry about.