
When I was coming up in Unique Snowflake Elementary in the mid 90s, SAGE (Special and Gifted Education) was mostly a way to ensure your kid wasn't stuck reading Goodnight Moon out loud in the 5th grade by a teacher who was overworked, underpaid, and teaching a blend of two classes because the district wasn't hiring

I don't think any one was saying the fact that they aren't married doesn't make it a big deal. I think it has to do with age/maturity level/environment. It's not a huge deal when you're 22. It might feel like it when you're 22. But it's not, in the grand scheme of things. Trust me.

The funny thing about this whole argument is this idea that it's bad to be selfish, regardless of context. Whether that means having kids, staying home and raising them or pursuing a career, or just doing whatever you feel like in any given year is up to you.

Word. And don't get me wrong...I am a dog owner myself and know that they make amazing companions who can brighten your day, month, or year just by sitting next to you for a hug or a belly rub. Its not that I don't think panhandlers couldn't benefit from that kind of bond. I just think the implementation better be on

Bay Area resident here, and I'm really familiar with the city. It's pretty typical — San Francisco tends to view homelessness as more of a lifestyle choice. It's easier to still call yourself a liberal and not support legislation to help homeless people if you convince yourself that sleeping on BART all night,

Dogs need stability and routine. Otherwise they get anxious and act out and become literally untrainable. Giving "problem puppies" to a panhandler is not a stable environment and will most certainly cause the puppies to grow to be the type of dog no one would want to adopt.

I don't mind the new system. I agree with you, I was a longtime lurker before I felt comfortable enough to jump into the conversation (and honestly the first few times I did I got absolutely REAMED by a group of starred commenters with an axe to grind). I like that it's easier to see the conversation one person

So — if you rent in the suburbs are you a total loser? I'm in the 'burbs of the SF Bay Area because I make just over peanuts and living in SF proper is insanely expensive. Even if you live with four roomies in the Outer Sunset. I'll rent in the city when I make enough to live in a fun neighborhood with just my dog and

Yep. I can vouch for that. My ex was a hockey player. Great legs and abs too.

I don't think its the video games themselves, but I've known plenty of parents who let video games and TV parent for them. Plop their kids in front of a TV set, bribe them with video games at every turn for not throwing a tantrum, and then wonder why their kids are total dicks.

The boys are assholes, but I hope their parents feel like the scum of the earth. I wouldn't be surprised if these kids were raised on a healthy dose of TV, video games, and a disgustingly apathetic attitude about their behavior when they're not in the house.

Now playing

Megs McCain needs less blind, stupid applause on daytime talk shows and more intellectual smackdowns from Paul Begala. Hopefully then she'll go away.

The morally superior argument is the one that gets me the most. The smug stay at home moms, or the smug career oriented moms that think they "do it all" don't bother me. Whatever. Be smug. Think you're great and a hero. I don't care.

Ha! Looking forward to reading his poignant thoughts on those subjects.

I'm so bummed as viewers we're married to Megan. I really thought she was phony when she was Don's secretary turned fiancee, and now we're forced to care about their marriage and what happens to them as a couple. The temper tantrums, the stomping off, the clear lack of work ethic and talent to become an actress — ugh.

Totally agree — it's mostly a media frenzy. It's "less scary" to blame drugs as opposed to an untreated/undiagnosed disorder. I haven't been able to keep up with the news on it - it's just too gross.

I assumed the face eating guy was on PCP.

I read that part of the article and completely agreed. Sure, it's tough to be a single mom. But I would take a wild guess and say this woman is white collar enough to where she can have a child on her own and it wouldn't be the same type of hardship that someone of lesser means has.

I'm sorry — I unconditionally love Joan. I was sad for her, but it doesn't detract from how awesome of a character I find her to be. I hope it was written into her partnership contract that she never has to do anything remotely like that ever again.

It really bums me out that the only time I'm not blatantly harassed is when I'm walking with a guy.