
Do you have any suggestions for heels that are comfortable to walk in? I've spent $200-$300 on shoes I was told I'll break into and love, only to have them remain uncomfortable torture chambers. Then, every now and then I'll pick up a $40 pair and I'll live in them. But those are just as bad, because then I try to buy

I agree that she can't be faulted for using Pitchfork to further her career. But I do think that if you're hoping to make a career out of singing, you should be able to sing well live. Just like if you wanted to make money as a public speaker you should probably be a good at public speaking. No one shoved her on stage

Well said. It amazes me how many guys are impressed by my music collection and how many assume all I must like because I'm female is whatever idiotic drivel is on the radio.

Yeah, I stopped watching/caring about football a few years ago. One too many drunk dudes trying to call me out about facts/stats/players, and when my knowledge didn't rival that of Bob Costas, they concluded that I was clearly just trying to get laid by pretending to like sports. Female sports fans have to work so

Two words: Credit Cards. That's how they do it.

I don't take myself so seriously that I can't laugh at this.

That was my pick too. Love her.

HA! Hahahahahahahhhaaahhhhaahahaha... HA!

It was high when I shopped at Safeway. Then I reduced it by shopping at farmer's markets and ethnic stores. Sorry I didn't clarify and caused confusion for you.

Hmm...my grocery bill was high when I went all out healthy (fish, produce, humanely raised eggs, minimal dairy). It was cheap to buy rice, beans, pasta, potatoes and canned soup. But that was awful for my body type/metabolism and I gained weight like whoa. But then I discovered the joy of farmer's markets for veggies

I will refer you to the last statement in the post. Or was this comment simply for emphasis?

Ok, this is what, the 4th or 5th article from this guy? He's so long winded, rarely insightful, and maybe without realizing it comes across as kind of glib. Not a fan.

Seriously. I'm not sure why Jez keeps publishing this guy.

Yep! Asian and Latin Markets are the way to go when you want spices/condiments. I got this amazing Korean sea salt in a 12 oz bag for $2.99. Try finding that at Whole Foods.

Me too. "Out of my league," usually means smarter, more successful, nicer, has shit together, never made any huge mistakes. If he's great looking then that means I fully just don't even try. They always figure me out eventually.

HA! Yeah right. My friends in relationships basically live on two incomes, have a cushion if they lose their job, take turns paying at restaurants and bars, share groceries, chores, incidentals, save collaboratively for big ticket items, split hotel rooms and one bedroom apartments down the middle, have cheaper cell

I got this insane idea in my head that for once I was going to actually put up a christmas tree, decorate the bejeezus out of it, and be proud of myself.

It took me a while to get into it, but I LOVE community! The Dean is probably one of my favorite characters on TV.

....and this is why I'm a vegetarian. Not because I find meat disgusting. I find the people behind the meat industry disgusting. And I refuse to support them.

Black dress I already own, black tights I already own, $5 witch hat from the perennially tragic Spirit store that occupies an empty retail store front for a month. Dark eye make up, dark lipstick. Boom. They're lucky I even came to this party.