
I'm actually from VA on my black side and hadn't heard of that! Gonna dig. That sounds like Virginia, though. There's a lot of erasure involved in recreating a false racial dichotomy that didn't exist, and I endured one of the most racist, erasing elementary educations (at the school my dad attended when it was the

I take false claims as self-hate. People really grope to not be black because they think it makes them better. We can sympathize without trying to snatch someone else's culture up.

Yeah, my dad did some genealogy work and we are not NA at all, so it really pisses me off when people run their mouth about it without making any effort to connect.

You don't have, "my great great grandmother was a Cherokee princess," accompanied by some weave stroking 'round your way? Blackfoot is popular, too, despite its geographical improbability. They don't teach it in school, but I know so many people who just assume they have NA ancestry. Plus we've got all type of

"She took a bump and started dancing like Elaine Benes" - Action Bronson

Also, way more Black and Hispanic people have that NA ancestor these white fools crave so much. Plus, the slave trade was also a genocide and an intense stripping of history and culture. So, when a NA person says, "That shit is disrespectful," it resounds more with those of us who know that the life expectancy on

Also, coconut oil and tea tree for after. Men's shaving cream is ok. Women's shaving cream is useless. I firmly believe someone fucked up a huge batch of shaving cream and instead of tossing it, they said, "Women be shoppin," designed some shitty pink packaging, and sent it out anyway.

Yeah, that's what I mean. Managers who aren't willing to do extra work make everything less efficient. And it always seems to make everyone willing to work harder.

You just made my day.

Get on the thread train! It's like a minute of it, it's super precise, and the least painful.

My hair grows incredibly fast — maybe an inch a month? And people are soooo impressed.

I was fed kale as a child and was not pleased. Just because hipsters are bred by boring middle american assholes doesn't mean the rest of us are wowed by disgusting, ancient vegetables. I'm waiting for poke to stage a comeback.

Damn them and their dastardly magic buttsex?

Managers who are willing to pick up slack can seriously make all the difference in a shitty job. Not only do you end up liking them more (and, if you're a good working, more willing to pick up slack for your coworkers and boss), but it's actually more efficient.

signal boost

Yeah, there are a lot of people who don't believe in germs. I don't really understand that phrase. I just don't understand how they believe people get sick.

I think it's a return to the attitudes early 20th century. The no-nothing exceptionalism, the social darwinism, the xenophobia, the fear of (terrorism/communism), the bible thumping, the fellating of "American values" and corporations, the valuing of profits over human life. All of this has happened before.

This. I think there's a suggestion that vit C helps boost your immune system before you actually get sick. Also, it's water soluble, so once you reach your body's limit, you just piss it right back out.

If we get the Ebola, it won't matter. People will be vomiting phage-laden blood on the streets.

Yup, at my last admin job I would get shit about calling out, then get shit if I came in sick. Also interrogated about getting antibiotics. I carefully explained that doctors won't prescribe antiBIOTICS for a VIRAL infection.