
Let's make this happen, chile

YES yes yes. But I feel uncomfortable giving them my undies and it's expensive, so I only do it sometimes. We have next day pickup at our rachet super laundry

Damn I totally forgot that step

Sister blog - "Fuuuuck that shit"

You're reaching. I'm pretty loose, but people making very general condescending statements on the internet is a pet peeve of mine.

cool ranch + hummus

I find mean people extremely boring. Being nasty isn't difficult.

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved salt and/or vinegar more than sugar.

what in GOD'S NAME is going on in the first photo.

Dip Sweet Chili in sour cream.

I am down for an international snack food/candy smuggling ring. Like, I had to wait far too many years for Milka/Nutella/Aero/Hoegaarden/Lays Limon to reach the US and now they ream us with the prices.

Are those the VerdesRadiante?!?!? I had them in Honduras and they are DELICIOUS.

So, I'm disgusting and usually stoned and thought I'd try them.

Right, but I HATE going to professionals without some sense of if I'm just being dramatic, because they can be a bit dismissive, especially psychologists. So I was thinking more of a "yeah, I remember a gap, go to a professional and get some more information" or, "no, it's probably your anxiety problems."

"Snitches get stitches" is what they tell you isn't true in DARE

Syntax gave me the same wigged out feeling that algebra did, but I was also at like, the lowest point of my anxiety/depression, so probably if I tried it again it'd be all right. I think syntax is really cool (dude-particles), I just never learnt it properly and can never remember the names of things. I can't stand

Oh, I know, and I do have a gap when it comes to mathematical skills (I think my spatial skills are actually all right) but I was tested at 4, so it wasn't considered a huge deal. I also am very good at covering using other skills.

My entire life strategy. Also, some people actually get ashamed and calm down, especially if there are witnesses.

Yeah, who the fuck is that cavalier with something that expensive and that illegal?

Are you me?