I have the sneaking suspicion that ranch dressing has enough chemical byproducts in it not to go bad
I think he saw enough. He knew she was female.
Of course not. I'm just saying, if ya'll start to feel like it's too much, come visit us up here.
Come to NY
Signal boost.
Specifically didn't comment with this because I figured someone else would have seen that.
No, Gwyneth Paltrow makes money off of lies. She does not keep her body healthy and then tries to sell the things she does as healthy. This is a common thread of the commercialization of these "gym-body" issues. I very specifically picked her because she...lies? About her health. It's the same as an athlete…
No it doesn't, and I sure as hell hope you are a POC if you're going to speak on this.
No shit.
Hahah, I think TV really does make people idiots, but mostly emotionally and socially. I see people enacting scenarios that they saw on TV, especially in relationships, and I just NOPE out of their as quickly as possible. No one should learn human interaction from TV...TV is horrible.
It's as close to a child as they can legally get. That's why they like to do it to women who get citizenship or permanent residency through's not just misogyny and fetishization, it's also about have an intense degree of control.
My type: "Mediterranean guys from the boros who speak a mixture of rachet, and old school NY drawl"
Yup, I'm pretty high up there, and probably higher because I was tested at 4. Despite lead poisoning and selective mutism. I think I have a lot of slight learning disabilities that are cloaked by my high verbal comprehension (I also read like crazy, as an only child of overprotective parents with no TV). I find…
As if racism is somehow logical. Of course they don't like you, they want the nation to be for white, Anglo-Saxon protestant men. And the KKK was founded for WASP old money men, but they had to expand a bit, as usual, to encompass what in the South is know as po'whitetrashhh.
Haha, my mom brays, my dad is Southern, and I can switch from sentence to sentence. There's a softness in the way Southerners talk that doesn't exist in the Mid-Atlantic
I find it less offensive because she's British. Twerking comes from a very specific segment of the Black American population, so unless she reads Jez, I highly doubt she'd understand.
Up to 30 years ago, he wouldn't be white in the North