
It looks sort of like they were poorly photoshopped into Monte Carlo.

So the cheerleaders, who are also professional athletes, are supposed to make ends meet via ... what, exactly? Fucking the team and hopefully getting a few bills shoved their way in return? How nice and open-minded of these conservative fucksticks to show their support for prostitution.

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

It affects your flight or fight system, and engages your brain in such a way as to make it think somehow that you will die without getting more of it. Not that you’re consciously thinking you’re dying, but your brain activates that response system which makes you want another hit. The more you do, the more that

Fuckin’ agreed. I hate The Big Bang Theory as much as the next person, but I got sooooo sick of everyone calling it “nerd blackface.”

hiring a cis actor to play a non-binary individual

My boyfriend, who was with me at the time, said it spoke to Fabio’s humanity and decency. (My boyfriend is also a fish dude.)

Ok, so I have to say the drama about the shortage is very real. My husband spent 2 hours on Saturday going to three Walmarts in Northwest Indiana trying to find one of those damn things. I finally convinced him to call off the search when I realized that I had Miss Patti’s recipe for Sweet Potato Pie all along because

As soon as I read “Utah” I was like.... mm hmm. I bet they Mormons.

When I was younger, I very earnestly explained to my little friends that a blow job was when you licked the neck of the person you liked and blew air on it so it got that cold, tingly feeling.

I have too many health problems to survive that long without electricity, doctors, pharmacies, etc. I’d be the dog with two amputated back legs in a wheelchair of the apocalypse.

Don't give up! Maybe you and your cats could eat OTHER people’s corpses.

Am I the only one who would, in the event of one of these apocalypse scenarios this guy is preparing for, would totally just find a gun and eat a bullet? Because seriously, if the world is ending and I’m still alive for some reason, I know I won’t last long and I may as well just end it and let my cats eat my corpse.

I want to know who they think is going to be hitting up the internet for particle board furniture and poly-blend sheets in the middle of a financial crisis.

However nutty prepping for doomsday is, at least he cares.

At least they’re looking out for their employees?

I’ve tried to convince my friends to let me have their phalanges if they ever lose a toe or toes so I can make a necklace. Foot phalanges are so stinkin’ cute. Of course now I have no friends.

Yeah, but think of the potential for all of your freaky sex dreams! It could be amazing!