
I was thinking the exact same thing!! Rosario Dwson's position in that pic is super belly-inducing.. She's still hotter than all of us :(

Seriously! Her stomach looks like that because there is so LITTLE fat on it! Only people with seriously hard stomachs get wrinkles and not rolls when they bend!

Better not be sitting though, watch those tummy wrinkles!

But you guys, didn't you hear? Sexism is totally dead, so I don't know what you bitchez are whining about.

Spoken like a hideous subhuman plebe. Get back in the sewer with you!

Are you kidding? It's Obama's fault - here this nice, enterprising young man is, starting his own blackmail sexting business, and Big Gub'ment is shutting him down. This is clearly an attack on the job creators! It's socialism run amok!

The comments on the original article discuss how unfortunate it is a "promising" Savader ruined his life, with no mention of his female victims. I can't even stand this crap today.

Not long, I bet. Just about the time the victim blamers start with their "If they didn't want the photos all over the web, they shouldn't have taken them" bullshit.

YES on Obie documentary! That dog is ACTUALLY documentary-worthy!

I have to say it again: this is a NON issue, ladies! There's a contingent of fundamentalist Hindus out there who want to religion-ify Hinduism, and who are waiting to take offense at anything. But it's OK. Hinduism is too massive and diverse and old to be religion-ified. So stick those bindis on your head, go ahead!

Me too! I didn't get my vagina until I was almost 20. Got a sweet deal - bought it from an old lady who barely used it and paid just under book value!