Oisin Carr

I’m sick of these cynical fuckers and people who complain about SJWs. Their whining is becoming more annoying than what they rally against. You are now what you hate.

Oh, can I be edgier than you? Star Wars died the minute George Lucas thought of it and then thought about money.

Let’s be real here, Star Wars died the day someone convinced Lucas to make the protagonist Luke Skywalker instead of Annikin Starkiller. What were they THINKING?!?

Please pause at the 2:09 mark.

Oh that opening....

I liked this much better than the first. it had more of what I wanted out of an Avengers film. Better action, more banter, stronger relationships, and tons of personality clashes. It was more like reading one of the comics than any Marvel film so far.

James Spader as Ultron was like every piece of snarky, insightful