Oisin Carr

Legend of Micah did such an amazing job with this - he’s been killing it this year with his videos!

is this written by Warren Ellis as a follow up to NextWave?
(Not going to lie this is the only DC book I’ve been interested in reading since New 52)

Is this a deleted scene from Arrow?

Thank you for this

I cannot begin to say how badly I would like to see a Shane Black Doc Savage movie starring The Rock - this would be incredible

I think more than anything TFA is the most character driven of all the Marvel movies. Steve Rogers is probably the most ‘traditionally heroic’ of all the MCU characters - but this makes him muhc more interesting in The Avengers and Winter Soldier. But without the long setup of TFA it would have meant nothing.

After Daredevil and Jessica Jones I’m willing to trust Netflix Marvel but I really want to know - whether Finn Jone can carry the action scenes. I don’t care about the ethnicity of the character as long as he’s a badass!

Awesome work - love Guido as the doorman and the New Mutants characterisation is spot on!

This may be the greatest news ever

This is so awesome but I really wanted Harley and The Joker going full on Waynes World

Booooo - you’ll be missed massively but good luck with the future writing!

Not my favourite Sci FI novel but the Wachkowskis adapting the Nexus trilogy would be a match made in heaven

This should be Matt Parker and Trey Stone’s follow up to Book of Mormon!

Now playing

Love these photos they’re fantastic - we’ve just put together a Cosplay Music Video you might like from the London MCM Comic Con. We didn’t get any Whovians but we got an awful lot of DragonAge cosplayers!

The Planetary delay was the one that got me - so much mystery waiting for an answer. I remember when the final issue came out I was quite disappointed now I realise it was about the journey not the destination

Thought this was the strongest episode of the series so far - while the lead actors are great the supporting cast is fantastic both Stephen Black an Arabella Strange were awesome in this episode!

Vandal Savage as the villian - amazing - How can the DC TV so right but the movies get it so wrong

No love for David Gemmel’s Dros Delnoch? 10,000 Drennai and Druss repelled an army of half a million in Legend

As much as I love this trailer - I've got a feeling that the armoured trooper at 1:20 is going to immediately become the Darth Maul of this trilogy - lauded for being cool without ever doing anything