
“Billy’s apartment raid was really upsetting to watch”

Weirdly, I don’t find watching drug dealers and their enablers die to be upsetting at all, especially not in fiction. Do they remind you of someone? Family, perhaps?

“It shouldn’t need to be said, but I genuinely think there are so many other versions of this story that would add a sexually charged element to Frank and Amy’s dynamic”

Oh, of course you do. And they’re all in your head, where they should have stayed.

How are you acting surprised or outraged a Christian school doesn’t approve of this? It’s commonsensical, and not like it was her idea.

It also didn’t sell well because its design had nothing of the mystique of the 6-series it was replacing. Prices in the collector market continue to bear this out...

“Ironically, thirty years later there were some indication Soviet troops really did operate around—and possibly in—Alaska.”

This is...the complete opposite of irony. It validates the concepts the article describes, which you elsewhere tried to claim were “hysteria.”

“it seems increasingly clear energy weapons are the future of naval warfare”

This is decidedly unclear (to anyone save science fiction authors).

Would buy.

You...seriously think he writes his own Tweets? When the staff-written-and-authorized policy has been extensively reported on, and there’s even a separate Twitter for you that shows whether Trump himself wrote it or not? Are you actually any kind of a journalist?

My favorite stories about witnessing mysterious black stealth aircraft are the ones where said aircraft are covered with OVER A DOZEN HUGE BRIGHT STROBE LIGHTS.

The details on how such a system enhances stealth remain elusive.

...maybe because there’s no proof? “Taken to task” lol, what are you, a schoolmarm? 

You’re like “obviously no one’s gonna leave now because AMANDA PEET is coming up!” I laughed out loud.

I was rather hoping Jesus pulled through, even though most people would be mad. I never understood the thing where this show guarantees a character will die just as meaningful story begins to be developed for them. It’s become a meme. The best was the convict guy back at the prison who, the literal moment he began to

The name Whisperers was in the publicity material for the TV show. The TV show. The TV show.

^Yes, everyone already has the virus. “Walker juice” is not going to turn one alone, although I wouldn’t want to ingest it or get it in open wounds. Someone was shown eating a cooked leg from an already-bitten-but-not-turned victim; I think it’s the real-world infections you have to worry about. Those are what kill

^I did. His relationship with Carl was one of the more interesting things the comic ever did, and they were shown discussing pretty much traditional teenage problems about girls and such.

Maybe because she’s back to making constant stink-eye at everyone like in her first season, for no reason they are interested in telling us about? Or is that just why *I* dislike her? ;)

Maybe if he were sober. I like that he said “sorry,” though. The other kids are too inured to the horror of their world. Henry, who they saw as sheltered, is seeing it more clearly.

Eugene is a heavy guy, and they were already tired out. I don’t see it as such a stretch.

They’re called Whisperers. The publicity material has been pushing this for a while. As a TV critic, I’d expect you might have heard about it...

“Shankar’s acclaimed Castlevania adaptation”