I’m super curious about the impressive filming location for the museum.
I’m super curious about the impressive filming location for the museum.
Yeah, I’m confused by this review: “the same half hour when we learn that Doc and his bitterest enemy are blood relations”—this was established much earlier in the season, and had been very heavily hinted for a long time before that.
I’m from Philly, dingbat.
I hadn’t realized you were talking about Obama. But I’m not sure border enforcement against noncitizens qualifies as tyranny regardless.
“and my discussing it here is certainly not permission for those of you who will never be called a “nigga” or its more hostile counterpart to use it.”
Nigga please. Your permission or lack thereof is meaningless.
For a smart guy, Werner is sure dumb. How can he not realize what kind of people he’s in deep with at this point? What’s he going to do, go home to that wife? You’re both dead. Heck, the puppy is probably dead.
I will be sad if Hank and Dean are pitted against one another, and especially if it’s because of a woman. I never thought Dean would be the sleazy one in that way.
Pretty sure they were already divorced when she worked on the show.
“Even Paul, who’s executing his plan to build a beautiful new gay bar in the Village, is facing skepticism from his primary investor, Vincent, who’s not sure it’s prudent to spend a lot of money on the decor of a place where guys are mainly planning to sneak off into a dark corner. How nice of a joint does it need to…
Yes, very bothered. It’s abysmal, and actually worse this week than last week, when he managed to mangle the word “girl.”
Physics of it look reasonable enough by game standards; what’s the issue?
AMC: the connoisseur’s choice
Was keeping Huell from destroying his future by running to escape jail really “evil?” I don’t think his hitting someone who he thought was accosting Jimmy was evil, either.
“I’ll use all this money to buy a boat: the Live-4-Ever.”
I wish they’d give the beret girl a name. She’s been in like six episodes and I am pretty sure she is still only credited as Make-Up Girl.
Not that she’s doing any bad whatsoever in banking law...
I really didn’t think this would ever become the Kim Wexler show to any significant degree, but actress Rhea Seehorn is kind of walking away with it, man.
Wait, now, I was told gender was a social construct, and biology has nothing to do with whether or not one identifies as a man or a woman. So how could men go extinct? Or is some sort of trans-exclusionary radicalism at work here? Someone, please let me know how outraged I should prepare to be.
I thought of this too; he will forever be Slim Charles to me (not to demean the actor’s fine real-world motivational speaking efforts).
This is written like I’m supposed to think “poor Eileen” when the producer offers her money for sex. She needs the money to...make a project where she, herself, will offer the actors money to have sex. The message here is not “poor Eileen,” but: your business is bad and you should feel bad.