
Wrong. Rodger was an anomaly. That's a statistical fact, no matter what childish curses you type at everyone in your impotent fury. The posters are expressing themselves as a legal outlet for their feelings, and 99.99%+ of them will never commit a crime.

I know women feel lonely, rejected, and ignored sometimes. But see, I don't know anyone writing rage-filled articles upbraiding women for feeling "entitled" to male attention just because they want it. Combined with the fact that women are, statistically speaking, more likely to spree-kill their own children than to

"It sort of boggles my mind, at this point, that most women go through life simply hoping to have control over their own bodies, and that these fuckers feel entitled to not only themselves, but to other people. To an audience. To a platform. They exist, therefore we must all pay attention to them, like screaming