
Ummmm... what??? 

This .gif is COTM / COTY worthy.

If this comes to fruition, I wonder if Neymar found motivation from disgust with:

Fresh fried sweet onions with butter and garlic.

Seriously, a dick move by the ump. Take. Your. Sunglasses. Off. (when the manager comes over to talk.)

Jose Canseco figures Trumbo is rusty.

I dunno. I think the biting is a bit overblown.. A tetanus shot is preferable to what most players do, “miss time” a tackle, and good bye to the victim for weeks, the year, or your career.

When pressed on the matter, Officals responded that death from carbon monoxide entering the Explorer’s cabin was nothing more than an idle threat.

The players or the owners get the short end of the stick? How about the fan who watches on average 62 plays averaging 6 seconds each of movement?

Tough one. Rolls craps just when he was hitting his stride, loaded with the perfect CV to become an investment advisor.

The bulbous bow is certainly to have caused grief below decks.

Ten people die EVERY DAY in the US from auto collisions. The forever maimed are not part of that stat.

If you don’t eat pork, what’s a good alternative meat option? Beef Bacon? Turkey Thighs?

A day and a half later, we have 87 comments, none of them talking about the # 3 and # 4 team, and most all talking about the # 2 and # 5 team.

Conejo = Rabbit in Spanish

Lost in all of this is whatever became of his child?

So who pissed in Lucifer’s Corn Flakes that he hates Riders so much?

As others have said on here, it’s not just “don’t finance your first bike” but “don’t buy a new first bike”.

Not surprising Vancouver fans sang this in 2005, considering the entire 2004 / 2005 season and 2005 playoffs were cancelled...