It’s trendy and profitable and fun sometimes to prey on other’s fears, but this is just wrong.
It’s trendy and profitable and fun sometimes to prey on other’s fears, but this is just wrong.
I’m pretty clear he meant the normal starter, Bobby. Luisito of three years ago is so not today’s Suárez.
Cash causes costs to a business in counting, storage, robbery, and employee theft. It has to be counted, stored, transported, and deposited. Or pay others to pick up. A preference for cash smells of wanting a source of unreported income.
When asked, he thought seeking treatment for the STD was the basis for a “sting operation”.
Sorry Laura, that’s weak. The rush to post the story on a news site, blog, or on social media is often in direct conflict with facts as obtained through sound investigative journalism techniques.
“This is small potatoes (in comparison) to a lot of things out there. But at the same time, it’s a big issue in America today, whether or not it’s in football, whether or not it’s in everyday life, whether or not it’s in politics, it’s out there.”
Why did the pig cross the road?
“So nice of you to ask!” is horribly disingenuous; it spins the “this person is a problem” arrow right over to the person that uttered it.
Maybe it’s just ignorance, but I disagree with the “Spin” that this headline suggests.
Suárez seriously could have (should have) had 5 goals on this day...
Missing in this is an alarming stat. About 22.5 % of these fatal stats are for motorcycles, yet only 3 % or 1 in 35 vehicles registered are motorcycles.
Not that this saves any lives, but the measurements are off on the heights.
Stop judging others. You have no right, let alone any clue. What next, mountain climbers?
Did I say “he was committing fraud on Twitter”?
Mallya’s Twitter feed doesn’t give any appearance of culpability. Intriguing. Is there another story here?
Even more oddly, the top rate for a stock person at Safeway in 1980 was $12.60
Now tell the rest of the story as to why Courtois will command a ridiculously small transfer fee.
Excuse me, I was distracted today. What was that question again?
No. Direct. This foul leading up was a trip.
Johnny M-Eh.