
How can you possibly make a list like this that leaves out making foil hats? Whether you’re trying to keep the government or aliens out of your brain or you just want to have fun, foil hats are the #1 non-cooking use of foil.

Those are cycling helmets.  Why are people wearing cycling helmets on their feet?  I don’t understand.

Something I also learned after living in Central Texas for a couple of years. Keep spare capacitors on hand for your outdoor condenser/fan unit. They cost about $20-$50 depending on the rating, and are dead simple to replace if your unit suddenly stops running. Good ones are rated for about 5 years, but can often fail

Why? WHY are they doing this? This is the equivelant of saying “Sure... Michelin and Goodyear make great tires... but we’re gonna make our own that cost more, and aren’t quite as good. And also, you can’t change them out easily for 3rd party ones anymore like you used to be able to do because the brakes are controlled

Look at the bright side, at least neither in this deal will have Nissan’s awful CVT.

Yes. It must be traumatic to be so privileged.

Whats really funny is that if they hadn’t done Megan dirty, people probably would have tolerated them without looking too closely at them because she was thinking that she would increase appeal of the family. Instead, people are looking more closely and seeing things they consider downright cringe-worthy. I ( think

Nothing is less reliable than the 2011-2016 Ford Fiesta/Focus that has the Dry Dual Clutch transmission. (Which is just about all of them!)

Did they staple the minivan front end on it?

Ummm, is anyone surprised that people don’t want radioactive mole rat looking BMWs?

I’ve never found leather durable. It cracks, gets shiny, etc., if not very nicely cared for.

On the other hand, I’ve owned 20+ year old Civics with cloth seats that were absolutely immaculate.

Nissan releases Z

Take the friends having babies out of the equation. You will find they will start hanging out with other couples with kids. They have no single friends other than the ones they are trying to fix you up with.

But there are MANY businesses where work from home works just fine. Millions of cubicle farms that are nothing but a waste of resources.

Good lord I want I V8 Spark!

The president doesn't have the authority to order wearing masks. Though he should recommend it. These are state issues. 

So, you want a Tacoma?

Or you could just slow the fuck down when approaching an intersection with obviously-poor visibility. Have you driven through farm country? It’s mostly just endless straight roads with occasional intersections. Just use the left pedal every once in a while, jeez.

His house, then use the proceeds to buy a place without an HOA?