
This idiot thinks that a 155mm howitzer shell can take out a Soviet made dam that was 200+ feet thick of reinforced concrete designed by the Soviets to survive a nuclear strike. That’s literally impossible.

But it might also be dumb as shit fiscally; there have been reports that the dissolution of the special district may mean Disney will end up paying fewer taxes than it currently is, with the burden of those tax debts (and maintenance for the public services Disney maintained in the area) being shifted on to the

Despite what stupid meatball says, Reedy Creek is NOT disney.

No one has bothered to actually read the Florida statues on this stuff. Florida law clearly states that if the bonds are recalled, the lien will be put on the property INSIDE the district. Since almost no one but Disney owns property inside Reedy Creek, it will be a lien MOSTLY on Disney.

The ELR and its commercial is the perfect example of why they should fire everyone of the Csuite people at GM because they are completely out of touch.

2) She has every right to complain about poor behavior that’s easily preventable. That’s not entitlement, that’s trying to get people to be rational and help make everything work better.

You sound pretty entitled for someone who didn’t pay for priority boarding. If you didn’t pay for it, shut the hell up, you don’t get what you want. Just like someone bitching about reclining seats, its your fault for not purchasing a better seat.

These ships cost 10% of their original cost to run.  So maintenance/fuel/etc is roughly $70 million a year for this boat.

Every discussion that centers on women and babies is a losing argument.

Getting hot and bothered over any cis white man.

It’s worth emphasizing that the whole concept of “States Rights” is rooted in the systemic, pervasive racism of the pre-war South, and has been used to justify a significant number of shitty decisions over the years.

I can understand the twisted mindset that thinks women are nothing more than uteruses to make more consumers, but being against birth control? That’s being 100% anti women.

The issue is that legacy technology like fixed rail is too hard to build in already developed cities.

Funny how they don’t understand that land is almost prohibitively expensive in the places that actually have enough people to use a rail system.

What are you smoking?  People who live by the water are not driving 15 year old POS rangers.  Tampa is EXPENSIVE!

LGBT issues are far from the top of the majority of people’s reasons to vote, and it doesn’t drive turnout for democratic candidates. If anything, it drives turnout for the republicans. There is an extremely vocal part of the liberal community that refuses to allow any compromise on policy or in messaging, and their

Awful lot of hate in this thread. We shouldn’t be hating people so much just because they believe differently than us.

People who kill other people are mentally messed up and evil.

Well, that’s because in the US the unions are about politics, money, and corruption, instead of being about the workers.

How does the crabbing make the crashes more spectacular?