
USPS is privatized. It was from its inception. It gets no funding from the Federal government.

Surprise, no one cares. No one noticed.

How did he tag the car if he didn’t have a title?

No mention of the real star, the EV Taco!

Definitely. The whole wedding industry is insane. I know a couple who planned a “business marketing dinner” and the caterer quoted significantly lower price per person. Got the job, then got upset that it turned out to be a wedding instead. Anything associated with weddings is apparently a scam.

If your wife can tell the difference between a CZ and a real diamond without a jeweler’s loop and proper training, then she is definitely unique.

You know that the staff or bots or whatever are asleep when the new Electric Tacoma isn’t 1st gear.

If your own mother hasn’t accidentally called you a sibling’s name then you are an only child.

Anything but shiny stones.

Everyone should know that diamonds are a complete scam at this point. How about we stop giving stupid gifts to make evil cartels richer.

Bring a 6 pack or a case of liquid death with you to the next party and then binge away. No one says a thing to me and they are extremely refreshing while being 100% recyclable.  I enjoy the tall boys.  Do the right thing, BYO.

Considering Rhianna sold more records than just about anyone else currently alive, why do they reduce her to a uterus so often? Is that the only thing that has value with people? Its so sad.  Why can’t we celebrate successful women without bringing up something to trivial? 

One is a certifiable nutjob no talent reality star hack that really should go away and do the word some good. The other is a pop star who puts on a surprisingly good show. Seriously, I not the target audience and wow her vegas show was good.

Because you want traction when the weather isn’t perfect?

Why wouldn’t you buy performance tires?  Why would you buy anything but performance tires for a sporty car is the question?

Whatever. We are totally fucked.

Yeah, but the alternative was Hillary Clinton, the least likable, most corrupt politician who literally bought the democratic nomination. The worst person, apparently worse than a “washed up reality star.”

Gas prices were up after Katrina because the refineries that turn oil into gas are all around the Mississippi river and they were closed. So we had to import gasoline (not oil) from other countries and that is super expensive. That’s what the keystone pipeline is for, so we can refine more oil into gas in this country

Its pretty freaking high. Instead of using all the political power to reduce gas prices our government is closing pipelines that move oil in America to refineries in America on the bullshit notion that if we make gas more expensive that people will use less. Instead its just making the poorest among us poorer as the

They do. Its this bullshit kitch ice cream machine that’s always broken. McDonalds franchises HAVE to buy this one. Also, McD corporate gets a cut of the repair costs and franchises can’t use other repair services. Its a complete scam on franchise owners, that’s the point.