90% of the time the machine didn’t complete the cleaning cycle correctly but you can’t tell because it has no information display, just an error light.
90% of the time the machine didn’t complete the cleaning cycle correctly but you can’t tell because it has no information display, just an error light.
Rich people hunting PREDATORS is the problem. There are no predators left in Europe because they killed them already.
I think this whole prince thing is complete shit, and I would cheer on GB if they decided to fire the whole royal family. Royals are complete nonsense anyway.
Why you gotta bash Die Hard? Its a Christmas tradition.
What you do with your body, good or bad, is your choice.
This is not a car. This is very expensive bragging rights for the super rich who own lots of Ferraris and want to show they are richer than their super rich friends. Its bullshit. No one who likes cars actually drives Ferraris.
This thread is pointless without pictures.
This is what happens when politics is more important than reality.
She’s going to be replaced sooner than later, she went from being an asset to a huge liability to Biden. At least when he’s awake.
But your parents made a LOT more than 100k in TODAY’s money. Whenever the government spends a lot and you hear “Quantitive Easing” what they are doing is devaluing the currency and making everyone poorer.
There is a big difference from having a gun in a snapped holster and actually pulling it out of the holster in a threatening manner. The first is a constitutional right, the second is a felony.
He brought a loaded weapon to a protest and paraded around with it for all to see. That an act of aggression. You can’t claim self-defense when you are the aggressor in the first place.
Why are people surprised? There was plenty of charges that would have stuck, but they prosecutors are either politically driven dumbasses or they never actually intended to win. Murder was never going to stick with so much video evidence that he was running away.
Prosecutors have drone footage of this kid pointing a firearm at people. That’s a felony. Yet they chose to charge him with murder that won’t stick instead of multiple counts of brandishing and threatening that could add up to a lifetime in prison.
We should stop talking about taxing the rich. Its a stupid and pointless discussion that will never work. Its just idiotic.
Replace the faucet then, they are cheap. If you can’t get in there with a wrench then you can always MAKE a wrench. get a short piece of PVC pipe that corresponds to the faucet under counter nut diameter, usually its plastic and has wings on it, you can trim it up with a dremel to get a good fit on the nut and then…
Apple is extremely overpriced for the quality and performance components included. Cheap is BETTER. A cheap dell notebook every 2 years will net you much better performance on average than splurging on a top of the line product that will be slower than the cheapest notebooks in a years time. Cheap is great for the…
Yeah, you have to prove the kid wasn’t scared. There are too many videos that support his case. You can’t chase after someone and then say they didn’t shoot you out of self defense. They kid was running away, so he wasn’t the aggressor at the immediate time the shots were fired.
They could have charged him with brandishing, that would have stuck. That’s 10 years in some states, double/triple it up and you got some serious time. Instead they charged him with a bunch of flashy murder 1 charges that just won’t stick and are too stupid to know they were fucked from the moment they tried to pin…
This kid was a dumbass. He didn’t think. That’s the only thing that we know for sure. He got in over his head and shit got bad.