
This kid is going to be 100% acquitted. I can’t figure out who is fighting for him harder, the prosecution or the defense. The prosecution could not be doing a worse job if they were trying. They showed multiple videos that justify the shootings and the surviving guy admitted he pointed his gun directly at this kid

The integra was kinda cool if you were into shitty civics, but lets be honest. This new iteration of the accord crossTour or whatever wagon/cuv design shit they got in their heads is uglier than the type R mini-van looking thing.

Family with 300-500k truck/camper should have enough cash to buy help.

Cars and Coffee type meets used to be fun. You would meet all kinds of people from all walks of life, and everyone had one common denominator: WRENCHING! I made so many friends that would check off all the diversity fetishists requirements, but we knew them by the car they drove and the projects they did to them. I

For good reason, we make it difficult to evict people from their homes, and comparably easy to take their cars, which can then be auctioned quickly. The risk of being stuck with a non-paying account for months or years just is not there for lenders in the same way.

Someone makes fun of me, they can fuck off forever.

“Pete Buttigieg has been on leave from his job since August after adopting a child.”

No, they should put the doctors in jail, throwing money at the victims isn’t going to solve anything.

Let’s take that money and start providing funding to allow people to get voluntarily sterilized. Doctors outright refuse most patients for some bullshit ideological reason. There is no reason that we should be telling women (or men) what they can do with their bodies.

They make CO2 guns that will flash, this is just them being cheap and letting an idiot with no gun safety training handle a loaded weapon.

I can’t get my brain around the simple concept that Baldwin NEVER checked the gun. Literally the first rule of gun safety is that the gun is ALWAYS loaded unless you have visually checked the chamber yourself.

If they do not charge Baldwin with manslaughter then there is a blatant double standard. Anyone else would be in jail awaiting trial.

Why shouldn’t white children feel bad?

Best let those go to strangers, watching your cherished vehicles being neglected isn’t worth trying to help out friends and family.

Ummm, its a Honda.

Someone went to a printer with lots of money and had them make stickers that say jonah hill ruined surfing?

Chappelle uses all those words rile people up, he is a comedian, and arguably at the height of his career. The more you dislike him, the more people hear about him, and the more successful he will be.

The F150 with included radar sensing is already 1500 bucks, now they will be $2500 when they get busted.

You can get E0 89 octane everywhere these days, its fine for small carbureted engines like mowers and trimmers. I’ve moved to electric for everything but the mower at this point, so maybe its inevitable.

I rented one of these cars once. I loved it. Just the perfect size for a sports sedan, super tossable, and the last gen before they injected it with hormones and made the legacy twice the size and fugly.