
Why couldn’t he go back to Jamaica and hang out on the beach? Why did they have to kill him off just like Luke Skywalker?

Why do we have this expectation that actors aren’t really bad at science?

I get that meeting the right person is challenging, especially in todays tech heavy world, but isn’t the ultimate goal to end up with someone that makes you happy?  Seems like there is a lot of hate in this advice, be it self hate or hate of other people.  I still believe there are good people out there.

Sure, I’ll agree with that. But in this world, where I live Racism is bad. No one who is racist is OPENLY racist. Then you gotta root out the ones that are and get rid of them. Seriously, Racism isn’t rampant OR acceptable in this century. Classism isn’t going away, and we have dress codes to specifically to eliminate

They didn’t fire that racist employee, period. Hope it was worth all that money. (It wasn’t.)

But corporations are faceless monoliths and while I’m sure they have a few racists employed, I can’t imagine their company goals are to be racist. It doesn’t make good business sense in this century. In this case we’re talking about being racist towards employees, and apparently they didn’t do anything or ENOUGH to

You can get 89 ethanol free at any wawa, that’s good enough for my lawnmower.  I need 93 ethanol free for the cars.

Well kept? The 2000 car I have has less than 10k miles and it only gets driven on Fridays. You will have a problem eventually, sad but true. Its coming, just hasn’t happened yet. I did the pump/filter/sender on the car just last month. The 1992 system crapped out at least 5+ years ago.

You’ll see, my 2000 was fine until it wasn’t.

I agree with your sentiments, and I shared them previously. However, it does eat the system up. The NSX, while not exactly a new car, just can’t handle the ethanol. I didn’t understand how the fuel filter kept getting clogged, until I realized it was the fuel system. Then the M3 had issues, and I didn’t understand

Then I had a poor stabilizer in my garage queen because it didn’t help.

While I’m sure they will appeal this verdict, I can’t imagine that corporate Tesla is racist in nature. They want your money, all your money, regardless of race, religion, or creed. The only color that matters is green.

which is less than half of the $3.5 billion it’s supposed to be

But then you have 80 octane fuel and that’s not good either.

Wrong, not good for ANY car.  Ethanol is very corrosive.  It will destroy ANY car that doesn’t empty the tank on a weekly basis.

If you replace all the rubber and plastic in the fuel system with ethanol compatible materials, and make sure it runs frequently or has ethanol stabilizers added, it’ll be fine, but that isn’t necessarily a trivial matter.

why do you need ethanol free

The last thing I want from marvel is for them to pick a director who doesn’t understand the genre. Remember TLJ? Fuck that noise, the whole concept of subverting my expectations makes me angry, I want to enjoy the movie, I don’t want to be angered by it. Thanks for completely ruining starwars you assholes. I haven’t

Is anyone surprised?

Why is this news?  Do you not have gay people where you live?  This is about as interesting as watching paint dry.