I hope you put on your flame suit, because that was a whole lot of stupid you spewed out there.
I hope you put on your flame suit, because that was a whole lot of stupid you spewed out there.
If we had somehow displaced some people from the Canal zone, then sure. However, we did not. It was not habitable land. We spent roughly 10 billion dollars to turn it into something. Plus, the newly formed Panamanian people were welcome to come and go. This is in no way colonization of another country in any way shape…
Factory workers in TN make more than UAW workers in the rust belt after you adjust for the union dues and the dramatically lower cost of living.
No, I would rather we find new ways to tax the rich so they focus on making money. Income tax is obviously not working, so maybe we start increasing taxation on stock trades made daily? First 5 are free, the next 5 are taxed at 25%, then the next 5 at $50%, and so forth. Or we can start removing all those tax…
he gave panama back to panama?
Intelligence is not a requirement to run for office, its probably a detriment.
The issue isn’t that most workers/places don’t want unions, its that they don’t want the giant UAW/SEIU corruption machines that steal worker wages and then steal the money and spend it on bullshit political nonsense.
Why are we handing federal dollars to private unions?
Tax credits are handouts to the rich. Lets be honest here, its an asshole move in every way. No one making minimum wage is going to take advantage of any of these credits. Why waste money on them when we could be helping the homeless?
Seems like a lot of money for a corvette look alike?
Prosecutors are rewarded by CONVICTIONS, not by convicting the RIGHT person.
I feel that associating anything, much less one of the greatest literary villains in history with a terrible reality show television personality is clearly not fair to the literature. Its like calling hamlet a shitty version of Kanye. I like Kanye in his utter absurdity, but he lacks the depth of a Shakespearian…
There are a lot more danger rangers still on the road than anything else from 20 years ago. Not saying they are the best, just that they won’t die.
It costs about 15 bucks to file the lawsuit. The point is not that any of these will win, its that fighting hundreds or thousands of lawsuits will drain the abortion provider’s funds and make it impossible to do at a profit.
Abortions are all about bodily autonomy, which is why the government can’t make receiving an abortion an illegal act. The same thing that says the government can’t force vaccinations on (stupid) people also protects your right to choose what is done with your body.
If any of these commenters actually went to a pole sport event, went to a pole sport exhibition, or interacted in any way with the growing pole sport community, you would all be ashamed of yourselves.
The thing everyone keeps missing is these dancer heels are a much lower rake than most 4" high heels. If an actress has to wear heels on the red carpet, and you know that they do, then why not wear MORE comfortable 7" dancer heels?
I’m giving you a star only because Pepsi is hated by everyone across the world except New England, and even they are coming around.
The cop car is always parked to shield the COP in the event someone gets too close. The idea is that they will see and avoid the cop car but maybe not the officer on foot. This is why the cop car is staggered out.
Its a bot that writes articles calling everything racist. Its guaranteed click bait.