Anyone who does it as a hobby and then says, “Oh, but I’m not a stripper!” sucks and needs an attitude adjustment, but they aren’t appropriating.
Anyone who does it as a hobby and then says, “Oh, but I’m not a stripper!” sucks and needs an attitude adjustment, but they aren’t appropriating.
I think it’s fucked up that strippers who pioneered pole dance as an art and exercise have been kicked out pole dance in order to appeal to middle class women.
You should wear whatever shoes you choose to. Labeling something stripper heels makes you sound like your parents.
If you can find the 1 in 10,000 porche that is a MANUAL, then that guy is an Enthusiast. The rest of the owners need to be Euthanized they are so old and shouldn’t be allowed to drive.
About as much as they found on Mr Rogers.
Kids wont remember the sacrifices. They will remember you being miserable and not taking care of your own mental happiness. They will remember the fights. They won’t remember the expensive vacations, but they will resent you every time you remind them that you worked hard to take them to places they can’t remember.
In these big states like Florida and Texas you can’t go two blocks without passing another covid vaccination site.
This is not the car to uber.
I had a 370 for a short period of time, here’s what I hated:
Why would they even let Burton audition if they weren’t serious about him? They gave drew cary a gameshow, and he isn’t anywhere near as beloved. They shot themselves in the foot with that one.
Race is so muddled now. White is bullshit, no one identifies as “white.” Everyone has heritage. Latin ancestry includes Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. These terms are all bullshit.
You can’t walk two blocks in Florida without passing a vaccine site. They are everywhere, they even pop up at different places in case you used the location being far away as an excuse.
You make some valid points.
Now that all the affluent and upper middle class are driving Teslas and the middle middle class have some other form of electric car, high gas prices are now only a burden for the poors. The white house should do everything they can in their power to drive gas prices as low as possible.
You must be pretty young if you think that LaVar isn’t a massive pop culture icon in ways that blossom will never register. The audience of Jeopardy skews older than the kardashians. There are generations of people who grew up on Reading Rainbow and continued into STNG. Something he moved into after starring in Roots,…
They won’t be unionized because the current giant unions are just as corrupt as the corporations and no one wants to join them. When the UAW and SEIU die and get replaced with NON pollical unions then things will change for workers. Until then, the giant corrupt unions do more harm than good for workers.
To be fair, the original BMWs made in Couth Carolina had the rock solid engines, but none of the complicated electronics that doom so many modern BMWs. Before the turbo era, the engines were the best in the world. Today, its giant grills wrapped in a hooeydonk shit sandwich.
Yes, if you go halfway back to the middle ages you can find some cars that are attractive. I think the classic 1955 Alpine wasn’t a terrible looking car, but the modern version just looks terrible. Too much in all the wrong places, not enough in others. The proportions are all wrong.
BMW wanted a union, they tried to set one up. They had no idea what a complete cluster fuck it would turn into. They just assumed they could setup a german-style union for the workers in greer, and only in greer. Instead the UAW got involved, and fuck that was a nightmare. Then, the SC government got involved because…