
That said, the solar roof was never going to bring renewables to “the masses.”

I don’t know a single person that doesn’t think “LatinX” isn’t a condescending term bordering on a pejorative. Lumping in every Spanish speaking person into one group is unnecessary and must have been dreamt up by some northwest white liberal professor who has token “LatinX” friends. Latin America is full of many

Yeah, that’s not the case.

More so-called “good guys” with guns, ready and willing to stop the “bad guys.”

People think Obamacare was designed to help people, when it was written by the health care companies and lobbyists, it was so bad it was designed to force us to a single payer system but failed dramatically and made the fight even harder.

Its not the vaccine that makes them sick, its the 5g WIFI that the bill gates microchip puts out that messes with people.  Everyone knows that!  /s

We aren’t going to spend any time on this. Just know that during Jim Crow, Democrats were Republicans and Republicans were Democrats.

Oregon’s government is just incompetent, that’s all there is to it. Much larger states are closing in on 50% vaccination rates and have issues with too few people WANTING the vaccination. The concept that a tiny state like Oregon with 4 million people can’t get vaccinated is just hard to comprehend. Just show up, show

Why do you have to be educated to get a vaccine? Does Oregon not want the pandemic to end? You really should vote for someone else next time. Literally anyone else.

I’m so sorry your government health system is run by complete morons. The mobile sites are funded with federal money, plus you have FEMA sites, also federal money. I’m all for vaccinating marginalized people, but at this point they should all be vaccinated and they can use the leftover unused vaccines on whoever the

You said you were 50 miles away from Portland or something? Its hard to keep up. Oregon has a Mobil Vaccination Site that moves around every week.

What city are you in?

You don’t need an appointment. That’s the whole point. Go to those places that are giving out “leftover” vaccines. ALL the vaccines are essentially leftovers. Your need to make an appointment to relieve your anxiety is why we will be wearing these stupid masks for months longer than necessary.

the places that are just doing walkup whenever you want vaccines are for people 65+ right now.

You can’t pick your facts.

...headaches and feeling bad for several days to a week or more is common enough I know of several of people who had such reactions.

Sounds like your state is run by idiots. You don’t need to be fluent in shit to show up at a FEMA site and get stuck. They scan your drivers license, then stick you in the arm, watch you for 15 minutes, give you water and cookies, and send you on your way.

I would check again, according to the CDC vaccines are available in every state.  If your state is fucking up, then its time to vote for someone else in the next primary.

Stop spreading lies trumpster. Its literally 1 in 2+ million, which is pretty ridiculous. More people are bitten by sharks or struck by lightning.

I do not have giant hands, but I did pay someone $300 to add thicker padding to the very steering wheel she is lamenting as being so fabulous. Its bewildering.