Thick wheels are easier to grip when driving spiritedly, and now every car is pretending to be sporty.
Thick wheels are easier to grip when driving spiritedly, and now every car is pretending to be sporty.
There are FEMA and State agencies with free vaccinations and zero waiting everywhere. You don’t need appointments, your anxiety about waiting in line is unjustified.
Ummm, is anyone surprised that people don’t want radioactive mole rat looking BMWs?
They aren’t UGLY, they are BLAND.
The sky is also blue. The Ridgeline is 40+ thousand dollars by the time it gets to the dealer lot. Literally everything is cheaper.
The ridgeline does poorly because it costs more than anything else even close to its capability and can’t tow even a smallish boat. That’s why you buy a truck. Otherwise, just get literally anything else.
This is intentionally intended to incite a negative response from the olds. Its not even shocking. How sad it is they took the bait so easily.
And Coke was the Non-alcoholic beverage of choice If you weren’t drinking iced tea in those areas.
Maybe so, but if that’s what they can afford and they are proud of it, then its still better than talking to a guy bragging about the car his father’s money bought him.
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you sure as hell can judge a driver by their car.
Sebring has traditionally been the ultimate shake down for LeMans. If you take away the bumps you take away most of the reasons to show up.
We have to do something as gas taxes are now essentially taxes on the poor that disproportionally affects minority communities.
Never trust anyone who hates their car so much they put a sticker on the paint.
Here’s what you do.
Well, your 4 runner is still RWD based and hasn’t gone the crossover route like the Explorer, Pathfinder, etc. Body on Frame doesn’t qualify as a crossover, its basically a truck. There is a lot more room when you stretch a car into a crossover.
Did everyone really decide getting into and out of non-SUVs is hard? I’m genuinely asking.
RWD sedans with powerful engines and manual transmissions are a dream. This is as far away as possible from that concept. This car is a moving billboard that tells the world that you might as well have bought a minivan.
This looks like another generic shitbox. No manual, no rear wheel drive, just another boring front engine car that has no space to work on and it will be eventually discarded like a used starbucks cup. You can get 4 motion, but why not just get a truck? Every truck is 4 doors anyway now, and they are cheaper and more…
There are so many issues with that concept that its going to be a very tough pill to swallow. Batteries are wear items, they wear out, and you will have to replace them. A new battery is much better than a 5 year old battery. So you swap out one battery for another one, regardless of how fast it is, and how to do you…