
48 miles doesn’t take into account the wasted energy of summer AC, winter heating, and TRAFFIC. Plus the LARGER the battery the FASTER it charges. The solution to slow charging is BIGGER batteries, because from 0-50% charging takes a quarter of the time that 75-100% takes. This is due to the chemistry of batteries.

If you are not a properly trained medical professional, or you have not been properly fitted by a medical professional, then masks are useless and you can wear 10 of them and it won’t do any good.

Kinda like Better than Ezra?

Talk like this means the next leader will be worse that the shit throwing orangutan. Biden will lose his majority in 22 months, and we will return to gridlock as usual. You have to stop lumping everyone who didn’t vote for biden into groups of racists or whatever else you keep calling them.

Or, you know, you could live in a responsible state that isn’t still pushing the lockdown nonsense. Stay away from crowded bars and clubs, but a sparsely populated restaurant with tables 6 feet apart is nothing to be afraid of.

Cloth is apples to oranges. Of course cloth doesn’t wear the same way. The question is synthetic leather VINYL vs. real leather.

but until I run into an alternative that’s as or nearly as durable as leather I will be opting for leather.

No, they are vinyl, and plastic seats age better than leather.  Everyone knows that.  However, you made a smart choice.

Vinyl. Call it what it is, shitty plastic seats.

You aren’t worth the effort you racist nazi.

Ok Nazi, go ahead and put down the people who actually work for a living.  You’re a real piece of work.  You think you are better than us because you make more money?  Don’t worry, you will get yours eventually.  Keep putting us down and see what happens.

If you want people to use less of something, increase the price.

Because only a Harley will do for some people.

Opinions are like assholes.

I’m assuming you have never tried to live off a minimum wage job before. Its hard, its stressful, and being poor is really expensive. You think just 2 dollars won’t hurt the poors, but that 2 dollars here and there adds up pretty freaking fast when you only bring home $250 a week after taxes and have to pay rent or

Directly how?  Tarriffs, income tax rates, corporate tax rates, death/inheritance taxes, etc?  How do you plan on taxing the rich in a way that actually generates a significant increase in revenue?

I think you are missing the point. I agree we should tax the rich, the question is HOW do we tax the rich in any meaningful way without term limits, simplifying the tax code, and preventing lobbyists from gutting any actual changes.

Anybody who is truly poor is either walking, riding a bicycle or taking public transit.

You aren’t getting a prius for under a grand, even one that doesn’t run.  What kind of bubble are you living in?

Flat tax vehicles yearly based on their weight to accurately reflect the damage they do to the road, but leave out vehicles that predate a certain year (mid 2000's probably)