
So the poorest people have to pay even more tolls to commute to their minimum wage jobs while Richey Rich just sits there in his home office laughing at the irony?

You are assuming that they actually use the gas tax for infrastructure instead of just dumping it in the general slush fund and paying their friends with it. If you required that gas taxes be spent on infrastructure you would be surprised how much money they actually had.

They always trot out the old “what about the poor” when talk of raising taxes comes up.

You can’t go after wealth, that’s just not possible in America. Taxing INCOME required the 17th amendment and when it was passed there was only ONE man in America that qualified for the income tax: John D Rockefeller. Now we all pay INCOME tax because we gave the the ability to tax income and we all suffer for it.

Gas Guzzler Tax for all cars 25 mpg combined and worse. Zero exceptions.

Yes, lets make sure to fuck over the poorest among us by making it even harder to get to their multiple jobs with their older cars.  Those poors should get a 4th job to buy a more efficient car!  Its clearly their fault they are poor or they would all be driving brand new Teslas!

I think that fucking over people in the name of emissions is a dick move that only makes people less likely to actually care about this planet. This incessant call for lower greenhouse emissions immediately is pointless in a global economy where china burns 5x as much coal as America and produces 20x more carbon. You

Trying to cut emissions on the backs of the poorest people among us is just an asshole move and you know it. Work from home will save far more emissions than any bullshit reason to jack up gas prices. People still drive, only those among us who have the least get squeezed because you think you are better than they

The reality is a lot of those low wage low skill jobs are in high cost of living areas. How can you move those jobs to the low cost areas? Companies move to where costs are low as it is but a labor pool exists.

First of all, no one lives “close to work” because this country we have a much lower density than Europe for example. Even Manhattan doesn’t come close to the density of the Paris SUBURBS. Seriously, you can’t begin to compare Europe to America when it comes to commuting.

I stopped watching the news all together a year ago because it was 24/7 Trump on EVERY CHANNEL. I’m burnt out. We got a different guy now.

You know expensive gas is extremely regressive and totally fucks the poorest among us that have to drive to work every day. If you want to stick it to richie rich then you should just tax the shit out of exotic cars. They don’t make those in America anyway, so no one will lose their jobs.

Now playing

Don’t forget the ELR commercial that was absolutely the worst ad campaign ever. That guys being a super douche.

The ELR was literally priced so high it was a joke. The MSRP was $76,000 BEFORE options. Compare this to a Volt at $20,277. Plus it had 2 less doors.

Come on down to Florida. The park is surprisingly good at social distancing and making sure you have a mask on. Capacity is limited, so make your reservations now. See you soon!

Leave it to GM to tarnish yet another good product line with shitty design.  Get your new corvette electric SUV that seats 7 and looks like shit!

I’m pretty sure that’s just you.  I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have their phone die occasionally and I’m not about to carry around a charging brick because the phone doesn’t have a removable battery.

Why does GM make such ugly cars? That’s the only thing wrong with the volt/bolt etc. They don’t look sleek and sexy like teslas. This is a relatively easy fix. Stop trying to make EVs look like family haulers. EVs are luxuy cars that say look at me I got money. GM’s car fail that very important metric.

So now you have a phone, with a battery that will degrade significantly in the next 2 years, that you can’t replace the battery in.

I find this hard to believe, unless they own the bathroom they used and the Secret Service is paying the trumps $3000 a month to piss.  Then I would believe that.