
Was wondering how this was a ‘car story’, as this is Jalop, and thought “well, it does involve a truck, so I guess they covered themselves.” However, turns out you couldn’t even correctly report on the most basic info of said car, the make.... Journalism FTW

That would give a new meaning to penetrating an enemy’s airspace...

Would tend to disagree as well. 5'11 here and could move the seat back a bit from my comfortable driving position. It’s usually people with a longer torso that have an issue with the roof/windshield.

More #FakeNews clickabait from Jalop...really getting tired of this. So the fact that 25% of the workforce (at the HQ, mind you, not all of America) decided not to move is somehow worthy of knocking TX and Toyota? And the fact that those positions will be filled again means nothing apparently...

Lotus Exige: Thanks to increasing safety regs, it’s likely we’ll never see a car with the same combo of small size, potent motor, light weight again. Add on that production numbers that made it to the US were miniscule, and it’s easy to understand the current appreciating market. Likely to continue for well cared for