
At least they're allowing Catholics now.

"A group of army green creatures crawl out of the debris. Are these the members of Loki's mysterious army?"

A "meth facepalm" is the same as a regular one except that is ages you 5 years for every one, gives you rotted out teeth and collapsed an orbital socket.

So they're calling it "Music Television" again?

This is just awesome, No complaints, no suggestions. Thank you for putting this into the world.

This is why we need to get rid of all that damn environmental regulation. I want blood rivers in America too!

So I wonder if the family of "eight-year-old actress Leilah De Meza" is about to get sued? I would think that you would have to sign an NDA to get that far in auditions, and they certainly just broke it.

Try Valentines day. It's why there are so many birthdays in November.

Already have #3. it is called Extacy, or MDMA. Doctors would give it to married couples during therapy sessions so that both parties could communicate more effectively. Of course it was abused and made illegal. Honestly I think we should dose politicians with it every time they meet to discuss war, the budget or how

I think the called that 500 Days of Summer.

I suppose you haven't paid attention to the Texas school board pushing Intelligent Design in science classes. And since school text books are expensive to make, you can bet that other states will be pulling this too. Or voting for private school vouchers so they can get a tax break for sending their kids to private

This is the kind of thought that is sorely missing in religious/scientific discourse right now.

Don't see it as any stranger than a christian using the scientific method to prove a point.

I never said Fox News was a religious organization, but if you think that the Palins and Becks of the world aren't defining the way that non christians look at christians than you have your head in a hole. Do I feel that I have to defend the views of "every Internet Atheist". No not "every" one. But if enough of them

They and their ilk are running the conversation. If you want the average non-christian to care about not offending christians, then non-holier-than-thou christians need to be louder than them. You know, kick over some tables. Show the money changers who's boss.

I don't hate any religion. I do hate those who use it as a platform to dictate how others should live. Maybe you should study atheism as much as atheists study Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, ect...

Not trying to start a fight, but until more christians stand up to Fox News, Live Action, and their psudo-political-christian BS, no one who is not christian will ever care what you think. The loudest voice has taken over the conversation, and all it spews is hate and bile. I'm atheist.

Plus the round shield is seen in Iron Man 2, so of course it was going to be in this movie.

I'm not sure what you mean. Empire came out in '80. So after the first showing they could spoil it for everyone who missed it opening day.

"First of all, our commitment remains the same: No spoilers on the front page. " The article was on the front page. So no. they did not follow policy. I'm not mad. I would have checked anyway, but big whoops on the Gawker staff.