run, lillian!

Yeah if you need to do a preflight check list before you put on a headset then the technology is fundamentally doomed. Facebook has failed to learn the simple lesson of the Gameboy of 30 years ago. It was a big success because anyone could pick it up and play it. 

This checklist is one of the reasons people aren’t interested in VR. Its too much work and too much money for too little payoff.

I think it’s probably the case that she was okay with, and thought that these people would practically outlaw abortion via overregulation, time-limited bans, heartbeat bills, and so on—i.e., death by 1,000 papercuts.

I agree with the sentiment, but it is worth point out that (according to the CNN story) the district’s policy on hair also bans mullets and probably most of what you’ve pictured here. It also bans boy’s hair that extends below the eyebrows. That being said, I assume there is some disproportionate enforcement of the

My evergreen question to conservatives: “Why the fuck do you care about this issue?”

It never occurred to me that Dr. Richard Nygard wasn’t a real (separate) person within the show, but I love this idea. Even better is the idea that Chris is actually living a double life as the “real” Dr. Richard Nygard, being a therapist to both others and himself, and all the people who know “both of them” have an

The thing about Perd Hapley is that he was a journalist named Perd Hapley who always stated the obvious, much like I’m doing right now.

I mean, that’s kind of my point? They keep making these 12 weeks designations around the detection of a heartbeat, right? And then talking about viability, and there’s this massive disconnect that they don’t even mention (because it would ruin their arguments). It’s in their best interest not to get into details like

“Karen” as a meme has been stretched pretty thin, because people use it incorrectly a lot, but it’s not really about calling the manager. It’s about an absolute assumption that the authorities are in place to center white interests. That sometimes presents as “Get the manager, he will prove I’m right,” like it did

 Not Emma Dumont?

“Contraception and sterilization are simply devices that enable women who do not wish to become pregnant—but who are unwilling to refrain from sexual intercourse—to engage in sexual intercourse while greatly reducing their risk of pregnancy.”

At any given moment I half-expect her to defiantly shout “MY FATHER IS JOHN MCCAIN!!!”

Couple of brewskis oughtta knock that right out.

I see nothing in your answer that demonstrates that you’re interested in any goddamn thing other than making excuses for white supremacist fuckery. Whose job is it to establish that a law is being broken? The citizen or the fucking pig who is given a badge to protect the public who is deliberately going out of their

Fucker should be put to death for that dumbass little lord Faulnteroy haircut alone.

I don’t really need to see it, but it’s always hilarious to me to see people try and pretzel fucking food into race-baiting.

Yeah, the piece of shit troll should be known and spread to others as to dismiss since their racist ass is even in the takeout, being racist about food.

Good find and thanks for the update.

They lean so far right they fell down the hill they did Nazi.

, it should also be noted that the above-mentioned toolkit begins with the quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech about how he dreamed his children would be judged by character instead of skin color.