run, lillian!

Exactly this, thank you.

Yeah, I don’t understand it, either. My husband and I have an ongoing conversation about what chores each one of us are going to take care of, and take turns running errands, cooking, cleaning. We are both a bit of slobs, but we truly do split them evenly most of the time, and are always there for each other to pick

Literally breathtaking. I just hope these dumbasses who chose to go are the only ones who end up on ventilators.

Or not, it’s all a hoax, right? Save them for people who aren’t idiots.

“a use of force occured

As a white lady who is, these days, frequently and well-aquainted with being drunk off my ass, there are some things I do while wasted that I’d probably never do sober, like Karaoke, or declare you my new best friend and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, OMG, or cry like a baby because I watched a cute video of a puppy.

GAHHH, you can even see the hard line where whatever the fuck he put on his head meets his real hair.

You’re right, and oh fuck, now I have to watch Biden live instead of catching up the next day.

He looks like if I glued some pubes to my thumb, and I still wouldn’t pick my nose with it.

That quote is also condescending as fuck, and I don’t think it’s even superficially nice (I copied the same bit to respond to, but you beat me to it). She’s empathetic insofar as she frames her opinions like she’s *speaking to children*.

I am not a fucking child, and I don’t want or need someone on the fucking Supreme

We’ve all seen the white supremacist Preacher meme, but I’m gonna go out on a limb... this is a pair of fucking Humperdoos.

Ohh, oh oh, I got this one!

Objectively, BIPOC and LGBTQ kids should be about to go to schools where teachers acknowleging thier humanity isn’t a fucking glitch, Kids can’t work out issues on their own if they don’t have support from adults in their lives.

Nope. I am goddamn fucking sick of this “both sides/be objective!” bullshit. If you don’t think systemic racism is a problem in the US, if you don’t think reproductive rights should be protected, if you don’t think climate change is happening, YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG.

“Divisive concepts” are only divisive if you’ve got your head up your ass, and are hell-bent on keeping it there.  Understanding and acknowleding systemic oppressions, and caring enough to work toward fixing them is, in my experience, a unifying thing.  But what the fuck do I know, what with all my healthy

And this should have occured to me before now, but my friend who called the Lyft is Black, and active and highly visible in the local BLM community. This was not at all a busy or highly policed street. I do wonder if the local cops somehow knew it was their account and hoped to catch them for something. It’s probably

1) Thanks for dismissing the troll, and explaining why their argument is bullshit.

ETA: and 4 out of *50* states making it legal doesn’t make it right. I expect to be able to move about my community without having to produce ‘papers please’ unless I’m operating a vehicle or trying to buy booze.

Oh god. I am suddenly very, very excited about a work conference I have to go to in Chicago next year (it was supposed to be this year, but, you know). There’s always at least one night we go out to a fancy dinner with co-workers and such... I might be able to pitch this (and it counts as a business expense. bonus!) 

We’re not even cleaning up the shit centuries later. We’re stomping the shit into the lawn and claiming we did everyone a favor by fertilizing it.

It’s not win worthy, but twice now I’ve learned the hard lesson that if there’s a line, and still one empty stall, heed the words of the people in front of you when they say “trust me, you don’t want that one.” Like, you can see the horror etched on their face, and they’re trying to spare you the same fate.

They all get an “F” on the test, but use a black sharpie to make it look like an “A”.