run, lillian!

Aw, Betsy. I’d want people to leave me alone, too, if I was unqualified for and incompetent at my job. You probably can’t see the violin I’m playing because it’s very, very small, but I assure you it’s there.

J/K, it’s not. Fuck you and the piece of shit you rode in on.

My “meal feels”?

Yup, I would vote for your baby.

What I’d really like is for politicians like Biden and Sanders to sit the fuck back and throw their support and political leverage to a different candidate instead of using it to hopelessly stroke themselves.

I need more information though. S/D/C/W/I/C.

I dunno, if they also bring a baguette...

I just finished misting our houseplants, so the first thing that came to mind is that I want to squirt him, too, like you would a cat that jumped on the kitchen counter.  “Bad Joe!  No!  Get down from there!”

This, and also now my nipples have that feeling like I just heard someone crack their knuckles.

You sound fun.

So... is this dumb chucklefuck expecting me to be mad or scared that he might release immigrant and refugee detainees to cities that want to accept and support them? Because, uh... that sounds like a good idea, that sounds like a threat, but I don’t feel threatened? I’m so damn confused.

OK, thanks for the near heart attack. I had to google because you kind of made it sound like he died.

I *literally* ran into Shohreh Aghdashloo (and some guy who might also be famous? I was too distracted) at the smoking lounge in our hotel in Amsterdam. She was leaving, my husband and I were going in. I recognized her, but it took me a second because I LOVE HER, and couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I have

I’m pretty sure I did have a miscarriage recently. I’m not trying to get pregnant, do not want children, and am honestly quite happy that it happened if that was the case. It was an unusually early, long, heavy, painful, *clotty* period. Like, clots bigger than my thumb. I had a doc appointment awhile later, and she

I know you shouldn’t really engage with protesters, but my route to work takes me past the local PP (which I’ve been to, and everyone was lovely), so my question is:

I haven’t even done mine yet, and need to get on that. If last year was any indication, I’ll owe something (last year, it was like $200 - first time I’ve ever owed federal, and while we did earn more last year, our state taxes were about the same, so...), and while that’s not an impossible amount for me, the thought

I start at $4 regardless of how much the order is because the gas and car maintenance and all that doesn’t change. If 4$ is less than 20%, then it’s 20% rounded up, and if the weather is shitty, more. And most of the places I order from are small local business, so, like... you’re my neighbors. I don’t want to be that

Oh no, that’s awful :(.  Good on you for trying.

Yeah, it’s a total racket, but it’s not the server’s fault. You understand the social contract when you decide to go out to eat, or order delivery, or whatever, and you’re not doing anyone any favors, or anything to “stick it to the system!” by refusing to tip. You’re just being a jackass.

I grew up in NY and always heard the “double the tax!” thing, but moved away in the Jurassic era (2007). A good friend from HS came to visit, and we went out to eat. For expediency, she offered to put the bill on her card and I’d pay her cash, and she asked “so, double the tax, right?” OMG NO.

She’s a lovely person and

Now playing

So much for the seashells.

So much for the seashells.