
Yeah everyone saying you can get a VR headset for $200 but that’s bottom of the barrel and who wants to invest money and have a crappy experience?

I agree but only exception in my book is the Cayenne Coupe.  Not a bad looking SUV and overall better looking than the normal Cayenne.

Do you guys not have $1,000 VR headsets?

Apple isn’t innovating anymore with it’s MacBooks for a two reasons:

I own a 2017 Audi A4 and this design language is definitely getting old now. This is the car you buy when you’re 85 years old and a Merc S is too wild for you. It should come with a free tombstone that says “I played it safe”.

If you’re buying a luxury car with subpar reliability (I.E. Land Rover) there’s probably a point where you’re spending more on maintenance and repairs every year once the warranty has expired than the average cost of depreciation on a new car over the first four years. In that case I’d say buy a CPO car that’s 2-3

First movers fail? EVs have no business case? Which business school did you clearly flunk out of? Or are you just a Toyota executive?

Here at Blizzard, we believe that Every Voice Matters. That’s why we designed our Hearthstone trophy to buckle under the slightest amount of pressure, just like our company.

I’m glad that Blizzard got the blow back it did. And as someone who has played Blizzard games since the mid 90’s, its quite sad to see them stoop so low. It’s perfectly within their right to punish a gamer that politicizes their tournaments and gaming streams, but the punishment was so extremely heavy handed (1 year

Elon said, and I quote:To be clear, Plaid powertrain is about a year away from production.” He tweeted that on Sept. 11, 2019, so production would start around Sept. 2020.  Also production doesn’t equate deliveries, so deliveries would occur a month or two after production starts.

Yeah I’m also at the point where I can afford it now but it’s a little irresponsible. One more promotion though and then most of that guilt goes away since I could still save a solid amount every month and meet all my goals.

If you’re making over $200k combined, have a mortgage (even in California) and kids, it’s actually not that hard to afford a $1,000 a month lease unless you’re living wildly out of your means in other areas.  

This is what happens when a very small vocal majority get to blindly cancel culture everything. Oh something might be slightly racist or sexist? Just make broad assumptions and cancel it, and assume the person is a card carrying KKK member. I’m a big liberal and honestly it’s just getting sickening. People don’t get

Looks like they have leadership that realized “Oh shit, we’re going to be out of business in 10-15 years if we don’t aggressively convert to electric.” And now due to that very risky move they’re the ones that will be putting companies out of business.

Except that’s 100% not true, they never asked casters to stop saying Hong Kong, they asked them to either call them by their full team name Hong Kong Attitude or their abbreviation HKA.

Great post comrade!  75 bonus social points for you for such an excellent pro-China post. Keep this up and your family may get released from the forced labor camp. 

Who doesn’t like buying a $130K car and then selling it after 5 years for the price of a new Honda Civic?

The real question is, why would I want this car over a similarly priced 911 GTS when acceleration is about equal, handling will always be better in the Porsche, lower curb weight, a better quality interior, and actual reliability?

You can peacefully protest everywhere. Just because someone is protesting doesn’t mean they get to burn down your house or your property without consequences. 

AMD gets a whole lot of credit but also Intel has apparently been asleep for the last 5 years releasing the same damn Skylake 14 nm processors over and over again with tiny incremental improvements. Meanwhile AMD is straight pumping out 7 nm CPUs. So mad props to them for clearly out engineering the big giant.  Here’s