
This is a pretty garbage review and the majority of comments think so too.

This wasn’t even slightly poignant, it was just really terrible writing with a complete lack of knowing your audience. It essentially assumes that you’re a bad person for wanting to get a console during a time of crisis and almost even implies that people aren’t fighting for their lives in this country when COVID

...And incredibly inappropriate in a console review. There are better venues for that. If his goal is to scare people off purchasing a product, which in turn might raise eyebrows from advertisers, go on.  Real smart Kotaku!

Somewhere in this article there was a genuine review of the Playstation 5. It was of course buried between the multiple ‘I feel depressed so all of you need to feel depressed too!’ and ‘You need to feel bad about buying entertainment products’ comments the author made.

I don’t mind Kotaku writing about that sort of thing - at all! - I just find it a little weird as the summation of the entire review; it’s like the last few paragraphs basically read ‘hey, you know the entire rest of this article? None of it really matters, because everything’s trivial right now, anyway; in fact,

But that is still rather arrogant in some ways and also hypocritical. Because why would you assume people can’t decide for themselves whether they want and/or can afford a new system based on your review of it? Also, you know, there are always unemployed people who like to have a new console and can’t buy it.

Absurd addition to this review.  Are we going to mention ongoing tragedies in every review of luxury items and consumer products?  "Here's an RTX 3080, but let's reflect on the pandemic that has killed 240k Americans.  You probably should feel bad for buying this"

Yep, what I want to read about in my reviews of products is the state of the world and politics.  BEST part of the review.

I am brazilian. Please do not EVER call me a Latinx. “Latino” is already bad enough, since it is an incredibly superficial term that does no justice to the cornucopia of non anglo-saxon cultures that exist in America (not talking about the US). “Latinx” is just a term created by anglo-saxons that sounds ridiculous in

White view of latinos. They’re all Mexicans.

Remember, as long as you can find ONE Hispanic person who isn’t bothered by this, it instantly and permanently invalidate all other criticism of it!

LOL, “dig deep.” These shitwits wouldn’t have the first clue what a primary source looked like or how real research is conducted. Their idea of digging deep is to open the Comments under the article and look for somebody spouting off about “things the gummint don’t want you to know.” They think in-depth reporting is

“I’m not going to comment on any of that,” Gelinas said when asked whether he was behind the site, according to the outlet. “I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.”

Kids across America on Christmas morning:

Lol.. ‘Hey you prolly wasted your money last year when you bought a 20** raytracing card. They only had a demo and a few games to run on them!’
same article shows a demo and a game and says you should totally by this for the raytracing!

Nope... not going to be a factor for me in buying a GPU until theres a significant

One of my very good friends who happens to be a super gay liberal once told me I have the fashion sense of a middle aged dad trying to impress his ex-wife’s new husband. Does that count?

He’ll be back young man, YOU JUST WAIT; & he’s gonna teach you how to throw a football too!

Wow. So much dumb in one article — I don’t know where to start. Intel CPUs have been lagging ARM CPUs for years now. ‘Apple Silicon’ will deliver 12 cores on a single SOC (System On a Chip), while the best Intel can do is 4. At the same clock speed, with a far lower power requirement, meaning longer battery life.

But 2030 is right around the corner. Hard drives don’t stand a chance. /s