
All of Canada’s hobos live in one place. Vancouver

Lol, great that you had a good experience, it’s not always that way. Every driver in DC lies about their “meter being broken”. Then I was with some Jewish friends in NY and a cab driver rolled up, cracked some jokes about the Sabbath and them walking that day, then pulled off laughing after asking them if they needed

Pretty sure the concept of disinformation campaigns is going right over your head here.

I’m just floored and saddened that someone at a Redskins game would use a racial slur.

That depends on where you live, obviously. I live in downtown LA so it takes me exactly zero minutes to get there. I could be at Exposition Park in 15 minutes by train. Next year I can the new train to Santa Monica and be there in 45 minutes. So maybe you need to not live in the middle of nowhere. It’d be like living

It’s an interesting philosophical question but as a practical reality you’re about 50 years too late and thousands of miles away from Kenya.

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

A decade. To me this is yet another anecdote that goes into the pile of “talk therapy is a scam.” My own experience provides the bulk of the pile.

Rolling my eyes at this entire post. If anything, shouldn’t we be glad that so many people aren’t disgusted by the idea of same sex attraction? But you do you, girl. Keep on with that outrage.

So, there are about one thousand articles now saying that there has to be some fundemental bioligical cause that determines your identity, and if you don’t have that, then your identity is fake. I guess I’m not really gay then, because I’m still waiting on scientists to discover a “gay gene” that makes people gay.

I couldn’t agree more. These are the opinions of someone who is quite simple.

Parent: You snuck out of the house and got high, endangering yourself and your future. Don’t do it again.

Having attended Catholic school, this seems like a non-issue. She should have gone out and found a comfortable pair of flats rather than wearing sneakers. I got detention for a similar issue and, though I complained, I also knew the dress code. She knew she shouldn’t be wearing sneakers and boys weren’t allowed to

Skim read a 48 word post?

Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

No, joy demonstrably does not heal the World. Access to free and affordable comprehensive health care heals the World. Lifting people out of poverty heals the World. Adopting environmental protections that actually heal the World heal the World.

God can this story please go away already? It wasn’t all that touching the first day we heard about it, it was even less touching in the weeks afterward when we kept hearing about it, and it most certainly did not need a movie to go along with all that hyper-documentation in the moment.

“We know Rose to be an intelligent and thoughtful child, and believe she would be well-suited to enroll in an academic setting more geared to homebound students, perhaps an online program as we have discussed in the past.”

“Got away with it for so long? This isn’t long at all, with the drinks and the long pants and the football and the pudding pops.....”

My parents? Hell, I don't even want to tell my wife about our open marriage.