
There. Fixed it for ya.

The Queen is so well dressed you might say Wintour is coming....i'll let myself out.

Look can we keep these things at ValleyWag? The amount of talking down to Africans in this article is awful. Yes those simple minded fools are just being exploited, never mind that mobile payment systems like M-PESA started in Kenya and are miles ahead of the West for the unbanked. I really, really wish ignorant

This whole thing should be a cautionary tale about pursuing narrative and cause over analyzing stories and facts on a case by case basis. But alas, the people that need to won't heed that lesson.

Actually, if you read the whole piece, only 8 of the team's 46 members were even at the party (the others were away playing a game), the party wasn't an official team event, and the way they've been characterized by the administration isn't exactly reflective of the reality, which is much more complicated than "SPORTS

Ah come on. I already sing half of the lyrics in french. What more do you hippies want?

Data Breech...? Which one? #corrections

My Lord, this is a twelve point email for one evening's excursion to a strip club.

Welker: [becomes concerned that the Seahawks will, in turn, target him after his multiple concussions]

"Rear-Wheel Drive being a superior solution in almost all-circumstances, of course."

Agreed. Every time I read an article about "dibs" I get a little ragey. Thank god I don't live in a city where this is ever an issue.

And this is why I take any pieces of trash on the street and toss them back on the lawn. Fuck people who think they can "reserve" spaces.

Dibs is the fucking worst. Yeah, it sucks to spend all the time digging your car out and then finding someone else's car in it after you did all the work for them, but it's a public street and public parking. If you want your own private parking spot, you are welcome to rent or buy one.

I cannot even conceive of the greed necessary to attempt to steal everything your child has. And this goes a step further by stealing everything he has and a lot of stuff he doesn't have yet. Un-fucking-believable.

Impressed with their ability to enrich themselves on the backs of others and to exploit a professional hockey player relentlessly, Gary Bettman has offered the Johnsons an expansion franchise.

A big one for me is the Argument from Incredulity. Because something is counter intuitive, hard to grasp, and dependent on a lot of complex evidence does not make it wrong, but it does make it difficult to explain. That leaves science open to the various Deepak Choprahs that try and appropriate their language to

I can't really get behind all of this "we acted this way/did and said these things first and now you're racist/homophobic/terrible for following us" stuff. Every fourth article on Gawker is some whinepost about how some evil group is "appropriating" some other group's culture.

Can I just say that for many replies I have received (not yours), this "dismiss" button is just delightful. Especially when the troll spends what looks like 30 minutes writing their angry reply.

I understand this. But I was born and raised Catholic and will never forgive the religion as a whole for what it has done, both in a global aspect and in a personal one. I really dig this guy so far, but it's like putting a nice bandaid over a gushing, infected wound.

idk nothing says disrespect like turning your back on your mayor but whatever