
Dear Apple,

The absolute bare minimum from me is to be able to simultaneously connect power, 1x USB, and display at the same time. Combining all three into one port means that I need to carry a hub around at all times, which kills the portability...

All these companies would save themselves a hell of a lot of money if they stopped working on cable and other peripheral standards and instead worked on one of the biggest money sucks in global commerce- shipping pallet standards. There are no international standards for shipping pallets. They are different sizes in

I really like how my comment that began with "I think..." and specifies that it takes him out of "...my sexy column" was responded to with "speak for yourself". I mean, there are only so many pronouns available to me.

Um, well, the "death tax" is sort of a Republican invented nonsense phrase for an implement of wealth distribution that actually has a pretty noble aim of keeping money out of the hands of the idiot spoiled children of the rich so...no?

I sure do hope he invites hookers over or else he's going to die alone in that house.

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

I totally sympathise with the hell that traveling with children must be for parents. However, you have to also take into account that it is even more hellish for the child-free passengers. At least you love your kid, which makes their cries a little easier to bear. I don't know your kid, and that makes me hate his/her

He's dumb. That's how.

Is a member of another oppressed minority (First Nations), I disagree quite strongly with this.

What if you literally help no one? "Hi, I help wealthy people with big egos spend their money on shit that they don't really need." "I help my fellow employees remain employed by suckling at the teat of the 1%".

Greenpeace accidentally destroys an intergalactic stop sign on Hyperspace route 3459-orion-beta.23.

Honestly, this stunt was one of the stupidest things I have seen in a while. Mind-blowingly ignorant and arrogant.

I disagree. She tore into the reporters in the headline, the body, and even the correction. She questioned their integrity and their ability at their job, while trumping her own creds... when it turns out that they were doing their job and she was not doing hers.

She doesn't ever actually say she was raped in the interview, does she? (I can't listen to it here.)

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

My thinking exactly. There's nothing wrong with people having fantasies or hobbies, but I do think there's something wrong if that involves planning out an important part of some yet-to-be-known person's life.

Yeah this is the thing- planning a wedding without the groom kind of makes me think you're just planning a party where you want to be the center of attention and there's a floating silhouette standing next to you where any guy can get swapped in or out. What if he doesn't want to get married? What if he's allergic to

The fucking squids brake checked him. The RR wasn't the aggressor. The tiny-dicks on their street bikes did. It's just too bad more of them didn't end up paralyzed.

Why is it that there's never a nice Range Rover around when you need it?